The Black Commentator: An independent weekly internet magazine dedicated to the movement for economic justice, social justice and peace - Providing commentary, analysis and investigations on issues affecting African Americans and the African world.
January 14, 2010 - Issue 358

The U.S.’s "Fidelity to Our Values"
is Haiti’s "Tragedy"
Represent Our Resistance
By Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, PhD
B Editorial Board


Many people in this country who want to see us the minority and who don�t want to see us taking too militant or too uncompromising a stand are absolutely against the successful regrouping or organizing of any faction in this country whose thought and whose thinking patterns is international, rather than national. Whose thought patterns, whose hopes and aspirations are worldly rather than just within the context of the United States border or the borderline of the United States.
-El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X), �A Worldwide Revolution�
�I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy...I mean, that�s a storybook, man.�
-Joe Biden

That was in February 2007. Now, Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid finds Peace Man�s light skin and lack of �Negro dialect� still fascinating! The Democrats cannot get over America�s success at producing an ideal African American!

Peace Man stands high above Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. He is even above Republican Chairman Michael Steele! Peace Man, mainstream, articulate, nice looking, and clean means, as Reid articulates, that Peace Man is white like us! He does not look, think, or sound like Black folks!

Just listen to how Peace Man as he so cleanly articulates U.S. history:

�Fidelity to our values is the reason why the United States of America grew from a small string of colonies under the writ of an empire to the strongest nation in the world.� Now, if you have a European education then you might recall that before the American Revolution and after Native American people, too, fought to retain their lands, cultural heritage, and material resources, but they were brutally swept aside. In The Imperial Cruise: A Secret History of Empire and War,author James Bradley recalls this past: �Through the decades the Indian dead included uncounted thousands of mothers, children, and elderly, some killed merely for sport, their private parts sliced off and their genitals displayed as trophies.�

If you have been educated anywhere outside of the U.S., you might also remember the African trade system and the subsequent enslavement of African people produced the labor that made it possible for �the strongest nation in the world� to gloat about being the �strongest nation in the world.� You might also recall reading about the U.S.�s colonization of the Philippines. President McKinley �imagined,� much like Bush Jr. before the kind intervention into Iraq to save the nation from Saddam, that �all would be well when the Pacific Negroes [the Filipinos] submitted and accepted American�s kindness.� Unfortunately for the Filipinos, the U.S. found a �functioning democracy� in the Philippines under ex-free fighter Emilio Aguinaldo, but out of kindness and benevolence the U.S. �buried� this report, Bradley writes. Instead, the official report painted a picture of barbaric people unable to talk and scantly clad.

These people were in need of intervention from a democratic state like the U.S. In 1899, a �surprise� attack that killed more than �three thousand Filipino freedom fighters in twenty-four hours.� The rather harmless, non-torture, �water cure,� convinced many Philippines that the U.S. had its best intentions for the nation island. Some ungrateful insurgents - Muslims - in the Zamboanga region (South Philippines) had to undergo the pacifying treatment, that is, diplomacy employing the U.S. military�s high-tech weaponry.

Yes, Peace Man is �clean.� Peace Man is as �clean� as the U.S, history he and his imperialist predecessors fantasized. Unlike us not so articulate Black Americans, Peace Man literally believes his predecessor distributed �American kindness� around the world! This imperialist brutality business is all in the past?

�News from Haiti!

A 7.3 earthquake hit near Port-au-Prince, Haiti this evening as I write this article. I stop to try to find news coverage online. Homes have crumbled and thousands maybe dead.

Haiti, this first Black republic in the Western hemisphere gave hope to Blacks under the yoke of colonialism and enslavement. This is a history not fit for the �storybooks.� Haiti knows the unclean. Haiti knows of the sulfur (to use Hugo Chavez�s reference to U.S. foreign policy) from its so-called neighbors to the North.

What will Peace Man say about this �tragedy�? What narrative will the Bilary (Bill and Hilary Clinton) team tell as to educate the American public about Haiti?

�Poor� Haiti.

You will not be able to distinguish Peace Man from the Bilary team. Do not bother!

Already the mainstream PR firms for the imperialists are spitting out their benevolent charm.

I catch a clip of CNN�s Wolfe Blitzer and the weatherman. Blitzer sounds all concerned about the �poor� Haitians. He turns to the weatherman standing before his map of Haiti with its blinking circles around the city of Port-au-Prince. Then the weatherman turns to the cameras. The houses would surely have crumbled as they are not even up to our standards, what we have come to expect here in the U.S.!

I can imagine so many Americans in the U.S. nodding and crying for the �poor� Haitians. Such a shame. Such a shame.

At CBS, Katie Couric�s seat inched up higher and higher as she referred to Haiti�s poverty, pointing out, again and again, its lack of food and adequate housing, but too clean, for she is enslaved to the corporate rulers. She dare not speak truthfully and acknowledge that the poverty is an outcome of military / corporate / imperialist policies against Haiti. At least the Haitians have stood up, and, for years, the masses have resisted imperialism, what Malcolm X urged us to do here. At least they live and die defending their right to live as men and women rather than slaves.

Even Black Americans facing foreclosures, unemployment, poor health care, imprisonment will be asked their thoughts. Many will think and even articulate the same. What a shame. What a shame. God has his ways!

I am so happy I am an American. Let�s go shopping!

And the Haitians who fought bravely against several �imperial cruises� armed with canons from France, Spain, and England and then resisted the imperialist aims of the U.S. will have to battle two first Black presidents (Bill Clinton and Peace Man) and their cabal of corporate problem solvers.

On Flashpoints: Investigative Reports (KPFA), one lone voice spoke of �man-made� tragedy. Reporter Kevin Pina explained that the U.S. promised factory jobs in the cities, and the people of Haiti moved from the countryside to the cities, building makeshift homes, waiting for the promise of jobs. The factories jobs never happened. The homes, not up to our standards, remained along with increasing poverty and the shortest of everything including food and water. Thanks to agribusiness deals between the puppet government of Rene Preval and U.S. (including other Western nations), Haitian farmers were driven off their lands as they were unable to compete with imported rice and food products from this great, benevolent neighbor to the North.

Neither one of the first Black presidents (Clinton is the U.S. Special Envoy to Haiti) want the democratically-elected President Aristide to return to power after the U.S. kidnapped him and has exiled him in South Africa. Haitians are not permitted to have peace. They are not permitted to have their president, someone who cares about them, work with them to feed, house, and educate the people. Aristide was a threat to the imperialists! Lavallas, his Party, mainly in hiding before this earthquake, are terrorists. That is �fidelity to U.S. values�! Preval takes from the U.S. government and withholds from the masses. That is business as usual for imperialists! Never empower the masses!

Preval is their man; Aristide is not!

With your unclean ears, listen to what your brothers and sisters in Lavallas are saying. As an American - you do not know. Haitians�the unclean, dark-skinned, people with the foreign Negro dialect is Haiti. It is you! We are the survivors of the same imperial cruises that kidnapped and enslaved our ancestors here and in Haiti.

Do not listen to the mainstream PR firms and Peace Man�s explanation of Haiti�s tragedy. He cannot articulate this tragedy. He is too clean and is merely an echo chamber for the imperialists he serves. Peace Man is too clean to smell a genocide under is fine nose! (That is why peace Man is loved by Goldman Sachs and the lawmakers and corporate lobbyists in Washington, do not forget!).

Will Peace Man and the Bilary team okay the corporate gentrification of Port-a-Prince ala New Orleans? If we leave Haiti�s plight to Peace Man, Bilary, and the corporations, then what will become of the �poor� people that the world has tried to crush without the help of an earthquake? Will Haiti�s earthquake be a gift from the divine for the world�s rulers: the corporations, Wall Street, IMF, and World Bank?

Get angry and punch out your television sets. Then shop - at a bookstore (a what?). Buy C.L.R. James� The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution and learn something so you will not walk around for the next few weeks evaluating what you think you have as opposed to them. You have less than Haiti. You have Peace Man, poverty, unemployment, incarceration, and repression!

Stop thinking you are a member of the mainstream. According to Harry Reid and company, you are not!

Education is one way to help the Haitians and all of us survive the corporate rulers. In addition to educating yourself on the history of Haiti and the people�s organization, Lavallas, you can go to: Editorial Board member, Lenore Jean Daniels, PhD, has been a writer for over thirty years of commentary, resistance criticism and cultural theory, and short stories with a Marxist sensibility to the impact of cultural narrative violence and its antithesis, resistance narratives. With entrenched dedication to justice and equality, she has served as a coordinator of student and community resistance projects that encourage the Black Feminist idea of an equalitarian community and facilitator of student-teacher communities behind the walls of academia for the last twenty years. Dr. Daniels holds a PhD in Modern American Literatures, with a specialty in Cultural Theory (race, gender, class narratives) from Loyola University, Chicago. Click here to contact Dr. Daniels.


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