The Black Commentator: An independent weekly internet magazine dedicated to the movement for economic justice, social justice and peace - Providing commentary, analysis and investigations on issues affecting African Americans and the African world.
May 13, 2010 - Issue 375

Obama, the Black Underclass,
and the Rise of the Right Wing
Keeping it Real
By Larry Pinkney
B Editorial Board



Whether or not polls are correct with respect to the rising anger and organizing on the part of far right wing organizations, certain things are obvious even now. The United States, remains locked in bloody wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, the jobless rate, home foreclosures, and homelessness continue to climb in real terms, and the growing and massive Black underclass continues to slip deeper into the abyss of economic emaciation.

The more the Obama / Biden / Rahm Emanuel administration placates their corporate / military masters, the richer the corporate elite become, and the poorer everyday people of all colors become. Particularly, this is the case for the Black underclass in this nation.

As economic conditions continue to deteriorate across the board for everyday Black, Brown, Red, White, and Yellow people in the United States, the corporate media engages in tactics to distract the masses of people from reality. Interestingly enough, most corporate self-described �news� media outlets have ceased presenting even a semblance of the increasing daily count of U.S. military personnel deaths in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan; just as the corporate media, in collusion with the Obama / Biden / Rahm Emanuel administration, is attempting to distract from, down play, distort, and/or outright ignore the horrible planetary oil disaster emanating from the Gulf of Mexico, courtesy of Barack Obama and corporate greed.

The Black underclass, and most especially the youth, are paying the price for Barack Obama�s growing, class arrogance and his de facto aloofness from the needs of the disenfranchised poor, with a special emphasis upon the Black underclass. The youth of the Black underclass are the cannon fodder for gangs, prisons, and the military; while Obama and his Negrodian and avaricious corporate ilk continue to lie to the everyday people, while enriching themselves at the expense of the poor.

Racism is on the rise, and Barack Obama and his disgusting mental-mulatto Negrodian counterparts, cynically use the very rise of racism itself, as a tool to control, manipulate, and shield themselves from everyday people, especially Black people. When it comes to racism and Barack Obama, this is the crux of the matter.

The Democratic Party foxes and the Republican Party wolves know only too well that the far right wing is also on the political rise. In fact they are counting on it. They are counting on it as a mechanism to continue manipulating people of all colors as perpetual ping-pong balls. They are counting on it as a way to continue to divide and control the masses of everyday people, while simultaneously and callously pimping the very pain of the people by pretending that there is a substantive difference between the Democratic Party foxes and the Republican Party wolves, which of course, there is not.

Thus, systemically, nothing changes, which is precisely what pimping the pain of the people is really all about. The corporate media consistently plays its insidious role in furthering and perpetuating this hideous deceit and manipulation of the people.

Meanwhile, the bloody U.S. wars abroad, directed by the corporate / military elite, continue unabated, while the sham of so-called health care reform is touted as an achievement by the Democratic Party foxes and the corporate media.

In this age of the internet, cable television, and newspapers and magazines of the corporate print media, people in this nation are kept more ignorant, misinformed, and distracted than ever before. This is quite deliberate on the part of Barack Obama, and his cohorts of the Democratic Party foxes and the Republican Party wolves.

Our task is to keep on exposing, clarifying, and organizing. We must expect to be ignored by the corporate media, but said media is not who we should be about seeking to reach. Rather, it is everyday people who we must continue to reach and organize for real systemic change, and nothing less.

Onward then, my sisters and brothers. There remains so much work to be done. Onward! Editorial Board Member, Larry Pinkney, is a veteran of the Black Panther Party, the former Minister of Interior of the Republic of New Africa, a former political prisoner and the only American to have successfully self-authored his civil/political rights case to the United Nations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In connection with his political organizing activities in opposition to voter suppression, etc., Pinkney was interviewed in 1988 on the nationally televised PBS NewsHour, formerly known as The MacNeil/LehrerNewsHour. For more about Larry Pinkney see the book, Saying No to Power: Autobiography of a 20th Century Activist and Thinker, by William Mandel [Introduction by Howard Zinn]. (Click here to read excerpts from the book). Click here to contact Mr. Pinkney.


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