The Black Commentator: An independent weekly internet magazine dedicated to the movement for economic justice, social justice and peace - Providing commentary, analysis and investigations on issues affecting African Americans and the African world.
Apr 12, 2012 - Issue 467

Tulsa, 2012 - When Push Came to Shove
Sharp n’ Blunt
By Desi Cortez Columnist



Might it be horrifically appropriate that Tulsa, Oklahoma be the time n’ place where White folks went “retro,” reverting back to the vicious and cowardly cold-blooded barbarians US history can’t help but paint n’ taint them as...

The Killing Season may be upon us.

I could use this opportunity here at to discuss a number of heavy, pressing issues, however, I can’t find anything more demanding of Black America’s undivided attention then the White snowball-of-hatred we see gathering steam and momentum in the form of the random drive-by killings of Black men by two White men in a pick-up truck.

Predictably,Tulsa police are reluctant to describe the executions as racially motivated, but City Councilman Jack Henderson was not.

“Being an NAACP president for seven years, I think that somebody that committed these crimes were very upset with black people,” Henderson said. “That person happened to be a white person, the people they happened to kill and shoot are black people. That fits the bill for me.”

Turn off the music, put down the remote and come over here to the burning bush of truth and take a look, a long look at the anger and hostility which has been gathering amongst, and this is significant, most White folks, not all, but most White folks, since President Obama moved into the previously Lily White White House.

Hell, we all sit here begging the Gods, your God, my God, any God, to keep a watchful-eye on this man and his beautiful family, because there are those amongst us who well remember four little girls who died in a Birmingham church. When White men get fed up with integration or diversity, no one is safe.

Considering the race game-changing incidents in Tulsa and Sanford Florida, and the outpouring of support for George Zimmerman,.along with the usual level of over-the-top police brutality, everyday Black commoners n’ peasants had better start watching our own behinds. Yes, the run-of-the-mill Black person may return to being the prime target of White hatred, as we were for decades, centuries in this land.

Stop me when I start lying. Until then...I’m gonna’ make it rain cold hard facts up in here.

Here we sit: us Black folks hopin’, prayin’, n’ wishin’ like hell the, dig this, “good White folks” protect us from what? From whom? The majority of White folks who aren’t good? Our fate is in the hands of pacifists, missionaries, artists, writers, Hippies and aging Flower Children... confronting the WASP warrior class - soldiers, policemen, Blue Collar Rednecks...

Un-flippin’ believable ...!

These so-called liberal cats have proven to have the backbone of Gumby at critical times. I can’t say I’d like to have these mellow cats help me fight my way out of a wet paper sack.

Call out the Black Guard!

Oh yeah, there ain’t one.

Our lives,and the lives of our family and loved ones, are in the hands of your local police, the very individuals Black folks on a whole fear. Isn’t that one-hell of a contradiction?

Considering the racial cold civil war is heating up - and there’s no denying that - if there’s ever a reason for Black folks to organize themselves, it is now, in the face of a nation of semi-hostile “Patriots” who’ve just fueled the largest purchase of ammunition and arms by the civilian population. They have a history of callously murdering Black folks on a level which can only be described as verging on the edge of genocide.

Call it a 2:37 in the AM wake-your-ass-up call...

Under these adverse conditions, someone please enlighten me as why some version of the Black Panthers are not needed in Black neighborhoods and communities from LA to Charleston Bay? If the Jews can rightfully and loudly declare “never again!” why can’t Black folks?

And if half-mad with blind hatred White men are gunning down Black men today, it’ll be Brown men tomorrow, and Yellow men the next day. Little girls n’ boys, old folks the next week.

Bloods, Crips, Vice Lords and Disciples, but down that doo rag and put on that Black Beret, which has always been the nightmare of those who want to return to the days when apartheid ruled the American landscape. There’s always been a fear Black men would stop rappin’ about and start reading Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X.

2012, for Black America it’s the year of the ballot, the bullet or the Passport. Columnist, Desi Cortez, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213, at age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the feet of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into a good, strong man, produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Click here to contact Mr. Cortez.