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Est. April 5, 2002
July 14, 2016 - Issue 662

Uniformed Cops with Guns
Symbolic of Absolute,
Audacious White Power
To Hell With Ol’ Glory
and a
Bald Eagle


"Inferior educations, no jobs, cutthroat capitalism
at play, societal exclusion and police brutality
translates into millions of Black folks who with
little to no hope of a better tomorrow just don’t
give a damn - then there’s nothing to gain
and not a damn thang to lose."

One must ponder, and I do, could this nation, and specifically “White America” be honestly, legitimately “shocked” by the tragic police murders in Dallas? Let me be honest here; I knew a Dylan Root was walking around waiting to go berserk and slaughter innocent church going Black folks. I know there’re many more Dylans lying in-wait today. But, why didn’t White Americans realize an Michael Johnson was out lurking in the shadows, waiting to kill any of the official representatives of what’s widely believed to be “abusive” White power?

And with guns more readily available today than bread n’ butter. . . this tragic day was inevitable. As inevitable as Nat Turner’s 1831 revolt.

I hope White America understands young Mr. Johnson isn’t the last. The environment, the climate, the feel, flavor. texture and taste of life in America mass-produces this type disenchanted and disillusioned mindset. You “reap what you sow” baby. You “get out” what you “put in.” Inferior educations, no jobs, cutthroat capitalism at play, societal exclusion and police brutality translates into millions of Black folks who with little to no hope of a better tomorrow just don’t give a damn - then there’s nothing to gain and not a damn thang to lose.

Did you not believe these retribution-type incidents have been brewing and fermenting for years, if not on the horizon for decades? Long before Obama, clearly since the 1960s. Are “you people” so-very disconnected from anyone’s daily reality other than your own that you didn’t know Johnny Law’s boot was thrust-down upon Black America’s neck?

Or did you not care - do what you must to control the “slightly” civilized negroes.

Or, is it “no,” you're not shocked by Johnson’s rampage because these are the expected actions of a animalistic culture such as Right wing America regards Blacks? You marvel at our barbarity as we fight over the crumbs off your table.

Why can’t this nation admit there’s tens-of-thousands of angry, trigger-happy White men who lost a job/house/ home coming game/a woman to a Black man . . . and that ain’t suppose to occur. It was called White privilege. And today with it being exposed, questioned and challenged we’re witnessing little Johnny O'brien, Donny Trump or Sean Hannity have a temper tantrum in the middle of the grocery store.

Yes, I understand July 7, 2016, is a day which will live-on in infamy and irony for perhaps forever, for this is apparently the day White America realized there could be, and would be catastrophic consequences and wicked random repercussions for what most Black folks regard as the cold, calculated, deliberate, callous acts leveled upon us. Yes on this day the chickens came home to roost - a Black man, perhaps not the most stable brother on the planet . . . snapped, cracked, popped and went calculating cra-cra waging a horrendous war upon the living and breathing symbols of White oppression and brutality - innocent White police officers.

Are you truthfully shocked? I’m saddened at his complete lack of humanity and decency, but I’m not shocked.

Undeniably this fractured nation’s police forces are the unofficial local thin blue line which strategically serves-to protect everyday White folks from what they wholeheartedly believe would be roving bands of angry Black and Brown barbarians. They’re the cold, distant, sometimes angry face of “White power.”

Police wear the uniform and gun symbolic of absolute, audacious White power. Forget ol’ Glory and a bald eagle.

Tellingly, Black police officers have a litany of complaints and issues with their departments regarding racism, from Alaska to Nebraska Fargo to Key Largo they encounter uniformed Rednecks . . . that’s an indisputable chilling fact for Black people.

Furthermore, the everyday White guy is an unofficial “Minuteman” armed with a few high-powered weapons to protect him and his from you n’ I - the “gorillas in the urban mist” as we’re popularly branded. Uneducated, uncultured and unsophisticated savages. This perspective is that of a people plagued with blind hatred, i.e., the Republican TEA Party.

Yes, yes, yes the chickens have come home to roost; White America’s indifference, the cold-shoulder, blind-eye and deaf-ear they collectively turn towards Americans of color’s pain, suffering and misery. . . apparently it comes with an aftermath and chilling after effects.

No I don’t understand how Micah Johnson could kill innocent people, I couldn't and wouldn’t. Despite all policemen wearing a uniform of an adversary of the everyday average Black American, I believe most are good and decent. But “most” could be 75%, 90% or it could be 50.06 % . . . no? I do grasp Johnson’s frustration, the exasperation Blacks have when it comes to issues of liberty, equality, inclusion and diversity, and the notion that a measurable “cultural enlightenment” will ever come to White America.

We all know I’d be lying if I didn’t concede of the 42 million or so Black folks, a vast, significant percentage believed the assassinations to be wrong, dead wrong, as wrong as the deaths this nation's police forces are alleged to have carried-out over the last century or so as they enforced “rigged” Ferguson Missouri type American Apartheid. Nevertheless, there’s a widespread admittance that as Black folks we knew this type event was coming. You can only beat a person so long before they go Denmark Vesey on your ass. This cat isn't the first Black person to do it, and believe me you . . . he won’t be the last.

Millions of Black folks feel the situation here in these drastically and dramatically divided states of America is so dire, so hopeless - it's gonna come to either “fight or flight.” Either stock-up on your ammo n’ supplies or put that US Passports to use.

Yes, I’d suggest a large percentage of Americans of color believe White American culture is hopelessly anti-Black. As a people, as a culture sadly they’ll never evolve, they’ll never answer that 2.36 in the AM wake your redneck ass up phone call, they’ll never have that come-to baby Jesus moment where they confess to the obvious atrocities I need not list for the 172 time. But instead guns are flying off Sam Walton's shelfs, and their being bought not to hunt down Bambi, Yogi or the Yeti, those guns are for all the Trayvon Martins across the land. Those guns are for what Conservatives/Confederates believes are the Negro-loving quasi-liberal carpet baggin’ Dixiecrats like the Clintons who’ll bring the powerful Yankee government down upon the new 21st century Confederacy.

Think Eisenhower and the 101 Airborne at Little Rock.

The NRA (National Redneck Alliance) is simply a tool of the multinational gun-runners and a direct reflection of White folk’s basic fear of Blacks, Latinos, Natives and Asians. White America fears the application of "an eye for an eye" they fear a justifiable backlash by the folks they've pimped, exploited, oppressed, rigged society against, and honestly waged a form of slow, soft genocide against . . . if there can be such an horrific thing.

C’mon folks we’re still fighting the civil war!

Yes, there are Black folks who’re sick n” tired of being sick n' tired . . . we're tired of folks pissing-down our backs, and’ then telling us it's raining! Insultingly were instructed not to believe our lying eyes, that White folks - saddled with the baggage of US history - are color-blind and harbor no blind-hatred for us . . . Bullshit. We agree with most of the world which understands and sympathises with our 400 year-long plight, our struggle for equality and respect.

I believe here in 2016 . . . Push has come to shove.

Over the last quarter-century or so Black folks have unofficially conformed to the “turn the other cheek” mentality of Dr King after J. Edgar Hoover decapitated the Black Power movement, but I’d submit many millions believe the good, silent, accommodating house/corporate negro agenda has led to not inclusion, assimilation and prosperity for Black Americans but rather a country more segregated than it was in 1970. The glass ceilings exist throughout the employment world, just about wherever there’s a White guy in control - there’s discrimination and harassment. Nation-wide “White flight” is fueling the US economy - the desire to isolate and insulate themselves from Americans of color fuels the housing market and its satellite industries - washing machines, cars, gas, furniture, schools, malls, streets, hospitals . . .

Look, we ought not delude ourselves, we’ve got more hell on our hands than a little bit, America’s ten months pregnant and ready to blow! 2016 may make 1968 seem like a beach party that got a little out of control. Columnist, Desi Cortez, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213, at age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the feet of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. "Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into a good, strong man, produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way." Contact Mr. Cortez and BC.




is published every Thursday
Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA
Peter Gamble

Ferguson is America: Roots of Rebellion by Jamala Rogers