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Est. April 5, 2002
October 13, 2016 - Issue 670

White America
So Desperate They’d Make A Deal
With The Devil Himself In-Order
To Make America White Again


"We need to create family friendly
neighborhoods - that starts with a solid
education and job opportunities to apply
those skills to and earn a bread winner
salary. We must practice what we’ve been
preaching for 50 years - spend money
with other Blacks, invest in
Black business operations."

America's Ten Months Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even Trump Can’t “Make America White Again.” A New, More Inclusive, Diverse 21st Century America - Love It . . . Or Get The Hell Out!

That’s the title of an E-book I’ve had out on, for the last few months, check it out . . . I’m starting to think I’m a flippin’ prophet, or clairvoyant at the very, very least - seemingly I know what White folks are honestly thinking, not the “color-blind” gibberish they tell pollsters and you, their co-workers and casual acquaintances. I speak Redneck-lIsh, I’m a Caucasian Whisperer,  and I know White folks better than most other Black folks do. My proof of the tapioca pudding? Check out this political ad below, it’s worth a million words and for me, a ton of street prophet credibility.

And I quote Rick Tyler; The “Make America White Again” billboard is a takeoff on Donald Trump's slogan of “Make America Great Again.” In a nutshell, it is stating that the “Leave It to Beaver, Ozzie and Harriet, Mayberry” America of old was vastly superior to what we are experiencing today. It was an America where doors were left unlocked, violent crime was a mere fraction of today's rate of occurrence, there were no carjackings, home invasions, Islamic Mosques or radical Jihadist sleeper cells.

Need I show you more. Wake Up Negros, wake up!

L-i-k-e, I’m not shocked nor am I surprised by this Tennesseans political campaign’s sharp n’ blunt approach - I appreciate straightforwardness, however I believe this add illustrates, in vivid stark black n’ white where most of mainstream USA, i.e, White America sits philosophically. I believe most of Trumps supporters basically concur with Rick Tyler’s desire or yearning to return this country to it’s glorious yesteryear.

Most of White America is so desperate, so white-hot inflamed they’d make a deal with the devil himself in-order to make America White Again. Or Hitler, Count Dracula or Vladimir Putin . . . .

The problem is most Black and Brown folks don't realize the pivotal-point colored folks in America have reached; an “Made in the USA” Hitler is on the horizon, and he’s being welcomed and embraced by most of White America grasp the simplicity of the situation. Most White people you deal with on a daily basis, - i.e., more than 50.1%, 5 outta’ ten, 50 out of a 100 . . . would like to seldom see our Black asses and hardly ever hear us.

21st century American Apartheid.

How did we get ourselves into this bent-over position?

The argument can be made that in 1865 upon being “free” we should have picked “back to Africa” as opposed to aimlessly drifting into a society which is cold, hostile and unwelcoming. Alas, we didn’t, we couldn’t, we didn’t have the ability to “go home.” We’d been so broken, beaten down, dumbed-down and dysfunctionalized - we weren't sure where home was. After 250 years of being held in bondage which can only be described as barbaric and uncivilized . . . we needed a couch, a physiatrist, a drink and a joint; we needed to download. Talk about post traumatic syndrome, Afro-Americans have endured traumatic situations, we’ve unquestionably and undeniably been put through a living hell for centuries.

Nonetheless we also weren’t prepared for the daunting task at hand; not to only run fast and catch-up to US society, akin-to folks who’d been castaways on a deserted island for a few years returning home - but we didn’t consider the ominous task of changing the cold hearts and bigoted minds of White people, of civilizing them.

Virtually overnight we went from slaves to 5th class semi-citizens for the next 100 years. During the 1920’s Harlem Renaissance we didn’t embrace Marcus Garvey and finance our own way back to Africa, but still deeper, during the 1960’s, when faced with the option of “token forced integration” or maintaining our own micro segregated neighborhoods and communities - we sought something we believed better and shinier . . . living next door to White folks, i.e., integration, which begot White flight, which now today functions on a nation level driving economic growth, creating “re-gentrified” old cities and carving-out new America; Colorado, the Dakotas, Wyoming and Arizona as White folks run-screamin’ n’ hollerin’ from racial diversity and inclusion.

What’s further alarming? Whether or not Trump ends-up ruling the world - we’re witnessing,the ushering-in of good ol’ fashion shameless, undisguised blatant Redneck racism. This White backlash has become a people’s movement which by its very existence is legitimizing the notion-of White Supremacy. Trump’s sheer popularity amongst rank n’ file White America has emboldened those who blindly hate Americans of color. This “anti-everybody” mentality will not shrink nor simply go-away. No, instead it will spread, like wildfires through a drought-stricken forest of White arrogance. Despite the demographics behind Trump’s New Republican “T” (for Trump) Party - mostly aging White folks - White Americans will increasingly funnell themselves into the party as the nation changes dominant color and culture.

I’m not going to waste e-ink trying to convince those of you who doubt me, and deem me a “same song kinda guy,” I’m not so-much a populist as I’m a “pragmatic realist” wordsmith who focuses on a few themes I feel are iconic in their relevance and importance to Black America while I employ current popular events to act as trojan horses, trying to get into and inside the reader to bring home my point. No, instead of twisting your brain, I’m arguing Black America needs a 21st century plan to confront the hostility and contempt embedded into the American landscape. A man without a plan is not a man my pops and grandpa use to me, so I’d venture to say a people without a plan . . . are screwed. We are the mercy of an Donald Trump inspired White America, a land where Trump’s insurgency is setting-the-tone for mayors, congress-people, city council folks etc., etc... who’d like to drag this nation back to the middle of the last century..

What are Black folks to do?

At the mercy . . . No different than in 1955 or 65’ we are hoping, it's all we can do - to elicit the respect, empathy and/or sympathy of the more enlightened Euro-Americans - which looks like about 20% to 30% of all White America, in order to create a “united” front. What else can we do as Black people (being only 12% of the US population) to defend ourselves from the other 70% to 80% of the White population - hateful people who populate the nation’s police forces, the armed services of America, the American Nazi Party, Uber-White vigilantes, militias and the Ku Klux Klan - all organizations which back Trump.

What can we do to confront the assault on our 1st class status? Not a damn thing. We’re in “over our heads;” out-manned, out-moneyed, out-gunned, out educated; we’ve no way to incubate ourselves, isolate and insulate ourselves from White people - invest in and grow ourselves up-to-speed to legitimately compete in the rat-race. Additionally we can’t defend ourselves from a coast to coast orchestrated “Stop/Strip/Search - Show me your papers nigger bitch!” type martial laws.t

What are Black folks to do?

Black America faces a multifaceted complex predicament; Trump’s widespread popularity amongst Whites is in great-part due to his desire to “go-to-war” domestically against Blacks, Latinos, Muslims . . . and the “darker” Asians; To unleash Gestapo Stop n’ Frisk teams, Stormtrooper Deportation Teams for Muslims and Mexicans, to blow the dog whistle to let-loose the armed local lynch mobs. Obviously White folks want to put us back in our traditional 3rd class subservient slot that’s their apparent inherent desire. Now how do Blacks and Latinos combat that? Politically - avail once more to the court of public opinion, as we’ve been doing for years, decades, centuries?

As I pen this piece, MSNBC is running a news story about Trump supporters talking about starting a revolution if Trump loses . . . what’s that look like? If the police, Army and Klan are at war with Americans of color.

We’ve got to take over the education of our children, first and foremost,they must be taught by teachers who we can rule out are racist. We do this by gaining power and influence within our local public schools systems or by creating charters schools - but what has to be achieved is Black people educate, evaluate and make all decisions which regard preparing Black children for life in this country. We need state and regional Black college prep schools grades 6 thru 12 where black children from all walks of life come to to be prepared and groomed for the overtly competitive and cutthroat world we live in.

We need to create family friendly neighborhoods - that starts with a solid education and job opportunities to apply those skills to and earn a bread winner salary. We must practice what we’ve been preaching for 50 years - spend money with other Blacks, invest in Black business operations.

We need to halt the mass-production of fatherless children with little hope of escaping the cycle of misery and pain. Norplant for young ladies when their period begins, temporary snipping, “reversible” vasectomies for boys at age 12 - slow the reckless creation of fatherless, rudderless children living in economic misery,

We need a national, coast to coast mass enlistment in the Boy and Girl Scouts, both kids and adults - as troop leaders and den mothers - we need the broadening of our limited horizons and we need the positive, wholesome nurturing of a village as early on as possible considering so many Black babies are born to single, slightly educated women while dad might as well live on Mars.

Black people desperately need to join existing Black gun clubs, create new ones in an effort to organize ourselves in the name of self-defense and preservation in an overtly hostile land.

Now, if “if” n’ “butts” were candy n’ nuts . . . If we could start a massive ad campaign to convince White folks, millions of them that this nation is going to become more like Brazil than it is Australia or Canada and if that’s the lily whiteness they’re seeking, I submit they read my book, and consider a massive exodus to Australia, and if that's to far, then Idaho, Montana and Wyoming - you can have them boys, take em’ name em’ ”White-Man Land . . . or whatever

So my thought is, if we can’t jump on this, Obama call me tonight, pick my brain and we get this started . . . than we need to either stock-up on bullets and bread, or get your US Passports handy. Columnist, Desi Cortez, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213, at age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the feet of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. "Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into a good, strong man, produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way." Contact Mr. Cortez and BC.




is published every Thursday
Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA
Peter Gamble

Ferguson is America: Roots of Rebellion by Jamala Rogers