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Est. April 5, 2002
December 08, 2016 - Issue 678

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This land is your land
This land is my land


"The whimsical idea that the good ol’ USofA
is a “shining city on the hill,” welcoming all
exiles from around the globe , that we are
good, decent, progressive-minded  people
is wrong and inaccurate; America is now
today none of those things."

As an Afro-American, raised mostly in a large diverse city, Los Angeles, but moved to suburban Denver in the late 1970's at age 14, thus immersed in WASP culture. So, with that “behind the scenes/hands-on experience” noted, let me tell you, from the moment Lord Trump declared his candidacy - I saw this mortifying scene unfolding just about as it has so far. I knew the 7-ring circus master was articulating exactly what the vast-overwhelming majority of White men, along with their White women (personal possessions) yearned-to say - "we want to take our country back, we want to make it as White as possible."

There was a sense of agency within White America that Black folks didn’t detect. We don’t know what it’s like to have absolute bodacious power, and then, in their guesstimation, lose it by giving it away.

My in-life experiences, White folks told me they’d gone “scratchin’ n clawin’ '” into an era of “token” cultural diversity, racial inclusion and gender equality. The key term here is "toleration" - White folks merely tolerated Blacks and other Americans of color based-on domestic/international pressures, not because they wanted-to. However with the Presidency of Obama, the “sky began to fall,” the wake-your-ass-up call was issued and the White backlash of Ronnie “666” Ray-gun was breathed new life into.

As quasi-semi unofficial White House consultant Uber-Right (Klansmen with a Euro flair) grand poo-bah Richard Spencer extolled “America was until this past generation, a white country, designed for ourselves and our posterity.” For the umphteenth time - when Donald Trump was talking about “making America great again,” he was talking about “making America white again.”

I figured about 7%-10% of delusional, greedy-ass sellout negroes would betray the Black masses for personal gain. I thought about 20% to 30% of Latinos would vote like they were White folks, seeing themselves as Euro-Trash Spaniards. And I surely speculated White women “knew their subordinate place,” to stand-by their husbands, brothers, fathers, uncle and sons, i.e., maintain their status and privilege - this was a no-brainer.

You were only “shocked” at the outcome of this election if you had your head shoved up your ass, one of those negroes walking around talking about how “color no longer matters” in a post Obama America.

Negro Please.

What I well understood? Trump, based on his involvement in the old USFL, (United States Football league) WWW wrestling, beauty pageants, and add his popularity and success on antiquated network TV, I knew he had his little fingers on the pulse of mainstream USA, White America, that of the common folk, the rank n; file, not the liberal-minded college Yuppies concentrated in megalopolises along the coasts and in metropolises in the interior. Trump knew that White folks were long, long fed-up with racial integration, diversity and inclusion, despite the fact they’d only paid a superficial perfunctory gesture to the high-minded notion of Kumbaya over the last half a century.Trump understood millions these “real” Americans were thinking unscrupulous Machiavellian thoughts about virtually all Americans of color and a world, of color.

Who thunk it? I did.

After years of life in suburbia Denver, after a decade of talking to Conservatives/Confederates on 850 KOA, hosting a weekend overnight talk show on a 50’000 watt blowtorch . . . after listening to Rush and Hannity for just a few minutes a week, over the last couple of decades, i.e., monitoring the opposition, I well understood millions and millions . . . and millions of white men were suffering from MPS “Micro Penis Syndrome” feeling disrespected, slighted and marginalized by Americans of color and their own White women who are now today openly having relations with Black and Brown men. This fact of “race-mixing” alone sends these cats through the roof.

Avoiding integration by fleeing. “White Flight” remains the rule of the land. It explains our New America expansion and our ol’ USA decay.

Who knew, after decades of human, civil and worker advancements gazillions of European Americans (White folks) dwelled in overt bitterness and indignation? Envious and jealous of Black and Tan folks living “higher on the hog” than they . . . in their country? Walkin’ round like White folks . . .

Who knew? I knew.

I knew they were eagerly anticipating a “Great White Hope,” or in this case a dope who’d slay the dark-skinned mongrels and restore White men to their rightful place atop the world.

It’s conceivable King Trump and his newly assembled “Redneck Roundtable” of deplorable racist, sexist, xenophobic ignoramuses won’t give Black and Tan folks more than a “minute to pray, and perhaps merely a second to die . . .” relatively speaking. However in terms of history and the big, big-ass picture, what will be recorded as merely a “minute” in time, may take only 100 days, nonetheless we could witness Lord Trump’s Law n’ Order inspired imprisonment of thousands of Black Americans, intern and export millions of Latinos and deport tens of thousands Muslims . . . because after this election, one which will live in infamy - it’s undeniable the vast, overwhelming majority of European Americans ( White people) regard Americans of color as both expendable and disposable in their great strategic and bigoted bid to “take back” their America.

This land is your land, this land is my land . . . White man please.

This Emperor-elect is assembling a dirty-dozen or so of confederated-minded old White men and a few “useful idiots” of color - whose lone, sole mission is to not to “turn-back” the hands of time, but to rather” rip” the goddamn clock off the wall. In the long run - to eliminate the political threat. The tone, feel, flavor, texture and color of Trump’s black hearted White knights screams “Rosewood” and “Tulsa” and forces Black folks to face the probability of national, coast to coast race riots and the massacre of Black and Brown folks at the hands of Cops, soldiers, Nazis, vigilantes, militias and the KKK - all factions who’ve adopted and embraced Lord Trump.

Now here we are, just 30 days into Trump’s unofficial reign and his pompous male prom queen over-reaction to the Hamilton event, his alleged approval of the Filipino President’s “SS” tactics, his contempt for the established and left-wing media and his condemnation of free speech, and the right to dissent, to burn Ol Glory in protest is, blank alarming, it's blanking horrifying and this madness is right-around the corner; Additionally, you already see GOP politicians ready to introduce “anti-protest” legislation, a PR effort to make legit internment camps, a Bull Conner/Daryl Gates type approach to law enforcement, so obviously they’d like to stifle if not silence their critics - is there any surprise here - it reflects the “MPS” (Micro-Penis Syndrome”) i.e., insecurities, misplaced arrogance, fears and “ the whole world hates me” type paranoia all-of- which appears to be so inherent, so-deep rooted that it explains “why” White America refuse to move beyond their good ol” days.

Trump's “Redneck Roundtable” is readying for revenge . . . I submit we’ll see a good ol’ boy movement to have Blacks and other Americans of color re-relegated to “2nd-class” status; Hotels, restaurants, trains, planes, stores, cemeteries, campgrounds, hospitals, banks and malls . . . all types n’ forms of events and venues made “off-limits” to us. If you paused watching the NBA Scandal or Empire long enough then you noticed Libertarian Senator Rand Paul’s 2015 quasi-campaign position of restoring “separate n’ Unequal “ everything. See, here’s what it is - you can’t force racial diversity and inclusion down the throats of an White population which sees no real value nor merit in such Utopian thoughts. Could the day return where Black n’ Tan folks will have to step-off the sidewalks for White folks, you can’t look a White man “in the eyes,” you have to address White folks as “sir and mister,” while they can call you “boy/gal,” or by your “first” name?

All those little revealing racist idiosyncrasies which shine a spotlight on the petty, trifling, insecure WASP cultural mindset embodied with-in Trump himself as-well-as his tens of millions of supporters.

Here’s what we do know; America has endured internal and global-wide wars, survived economic depressions. America might survive this 2016 “Redneck revolt” but not without bloodshed, not in one piece, the intended victims and the collateral human damage of a Trump administration will be far n’ wide, deeper than we cam imagine. Today all the players on the American stage stand naked, butt-naked. No-more can we pretend that American Exceptionalism is anything more than White supremacy. The Pollyanna depiction of this land being “your” land, “my” land . . . “our” land is total, complete bullshit. The whimsical idea that the good ol’ USofA is a “shining city on the hill,” welcoming all exiles from around the globe , that we are good, decent, progressive-minded people is wrong and inaccurate; America is now today none of those things. Columnist, Desi Cortez, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213, at age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the feet of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. "Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into a good, strong man, produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way." Contact Mr. Cortez and BC.

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