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Est. April 5, 2002
March 09, 2017 - Issue 689

Benedict Arnold
The Rosenbergs
and Now
Donald Trump


"Let’s see the same rules n’ laws gleefully applied
to a Black man now applied to a rich white man
who's betrayed the 'best interests' of the United
States Of America. Donald Trump is proving himself
to be little more than White Trash . . . with money;
unintelligent, willingly uninformed, pompous, arrogant
and awash in unjustifiable privilege."

Traitor. That’s what the real, genuine, authentic red, white n’ Blue-hearted Americans who make up Trump’s New 21st century Confederacy would brand President Obama had he walked in the same treasonous steps it appears “Tricky” Donny Trump is plodding-along in; collaborating and cooperating with the pint-size emperor of the evil empire, all so they can “make Russia great” once more and to “make America White again.”

Treason,” according to Mr. Webster is a form-of treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion - and according to the laws of this nation . . . punishable by imprisonment, if not death. In that case, and if that is the case here, if destiny and truth take a turn and every single day it appears this is a undeniable case of “high treason” - treason at the highest levels of the government - then it seems inevitable, this nation will see democracy and justice at work and we’ll witness history - Lord Trump and many of his deplorable bastards hanged for betraying the best interests of all the American people.

Hang’em high.

I pray to the Gods in Hell-House there’s a reserved room next to the slaves who ratted-out Nat Turner and Toussaint Overture for “sellouts” likes Ben Carson, Uncle Clarence Thomas and Omarosa, whatever the political prostitute's name is. I questioned how Condi Rice got on top . . . I don’t question how Ms. Manigault got in bed with Trump.

Everybody has a price baby, what was yours; diamonds, furs, Trump Steaks, moolah . . .?

Let’s be brutally real here; If Obama had this amount of treasonous charges and accusations floating above his head, gee, golly it’s not hard to horrifically envision a group of “patriots” dragging President Obama, his wife n’ children, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynn, Maxine Watters, John Lewis, defenders of his like Al n’ Jesse and a list of other influential and notable figures being dragged out of the White House or the halls of congress and strung-up, lynched by a mob of delusionally self-righteous justice seeking American patriots. Who would, dig this, then mutilate, castrate and even set-afire their bodies and then, hear me now - take selfies, post the pics with them smiling, posing with the bodies in the background, laughing, jovial, exuberant to the pages of Facebook . . . you know they would.

Trees still bearing “strange fruit.”

Let’s see the same mythical “high standards” of American Exceptionalism applied to this traitorous dictator who’s held-up in the people’s house. Let’s see the same rules n’ laws gleefully applied to a Black man now applied to a rich white man who's betrayed the “best interests” of the United States Of America. Donald Trump is proving himself to be little more than White Trash . . . with money; unintelligent, willingly uninformed, pompous, arrogant and awash in unjustifiable privilege.

Do you want to know why there's no “rush to judgment” lynch mob for Trump? Because Trump is allegedly the “Great White Hope/dope,” the “Chosen One” who can globally unite paranoid White folks against an vengeful, unsympathetic world-of-color, a world they believe is hell-bent on the “big-ass payback” - retribution for the last half-a-millennium of neanderthalic European Colonialism. In light-of the poetic justice “we’re surrounded” predicament White folks believe they face - they’re apparently willing to “make a deal” with devils like Trump n’ Putin, so that they remain isolated n’ insulated from the global mayhem they recklessly created.

No man, or woman voluntarily “gives-up” power.

Trump and his royal “redneck” roundtable may be lying, cheating, thieving son’s a bitches, but note this - they’re lying, cheating thieving White son’s a bitches . . . and that racial distinction makes all the difference in our small-minded world but specifically in the blue eyes of Mainstream USA. It’s “why” White women “sold out” Americans of color on November 6th, 2017 . . . a day which will live in infamy.

Treason is Treason; it was treasonous when General Benedict Arnold betrayed General George Washington during the Revolutionary War, and in 1861 when the Confederated States of America succeeded from the union because they couldn’t keep Black folks in bondage as slaves, it was treason, and it’s treason today when Trump and his minions, such as Attorney General J. Beauregard Sessions, who’s unquestionably indicative and exemplarity of 21st century Confederates willing to conspire with White Russians in order to bring-down the US government and replace it with men who’ve placed race above country, White supremacy above American patriotism. Columnist, Desi Cortez, who also writes for &, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213. At age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the foot of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into an officer n' gentleman, a "man's man." Produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my "little" mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Wordsmith behind America's Ten Months Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even Trump Can't "Make America White Again." A New, More Inclusive, Diverse 21st Century America - Love It . . . Or Get The Hell Out!Contact Mr. Cortez and BC.




is published every Thursday
Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA
Peter Gamble

Perry NoName: A Journal From A Federal Prison-book 1
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