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Est. April 5, 2002
Jan 16, 2020 - Issue 802
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What If Trump Received “0%”
of the
Black Vote Come November?
Black folks don’t let
black friends
vote for Trump


"If we place as big a priority on 'politics' as we do
sports, music and watching 'The Real Minstrels and
Sapphires of any-hood USA . . .' we might be able
to save Black America from half mad white folks.

Please, just for grins n’ giggles, ponder this empire altering point; what if the pawns, the small, simple-minded but extremely useful idiots who, as Black folks, sided with the Nazis, the Klan, Cops unions, organized crime, Wall Street, Motorcycle gangs, etc., etc., and voted for Donald J. Trump in 2016, what if they pulled their heads out of their asses and voted for . . . anybody the Democrat Party nominates - be it Mr Peanut, Yogi or Smokey the Bear, the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man, HR Puffinstuff, Little Red Riding Hood. . . it just doesn't really matter to tell you the truth . . . damn near anyone the Left could tag would be better than this twisted, sinister SOB who acts with no conscience, no soul.

Trump has no heart, instead it’s a 1975 cash register, no brain - only a “value meter”as the ones employed last century in Queens New York pawn shops.

Oh! The irony of it all: the very people Donald J. Trump’s America detest and decry - black folks, you and I, those his people harbor no good will towards . . . what if those foolish traitors don’t vote for him in 2020? Dig it: We can save ourselves! We don’t have to “hope n’ pray” this particular White man, and men like his lackey Stephen Miller have mercy upon our black asses.

We don’t have to weakly base the fate of the Black American empire on the obviously limited empathy and sympathy of most white Americans. It’s clear most of White America is blind to history, blind to undeniable facts and filed with blind hatred, blinded by

We have the political power, i.e., oh dare I say it, the “Black Power” to influence, to impact our destiny, and that of our children . . . . Black folks don’t let black friends vote for Trump . . . .

Ok, now what if the roughly 30% of Latino/Asian Americans don’t vote for this clown?

Cleary Trump and his people don’t see “you people” as . . . people. Despite the assimilation, accommodating, the dying of hair blond, the changing of names, the Americanization of your culture . . . you aren’t honorary/quasi/semi-white people, matter-of-factly, to be bunt - in Trump’s world they struggle with the high-mined notion you are “people,” and if they begrudgingly do conclude you’re almost as human as they are - then they rationalize the separation of families and the “caging” of babies as “how you deal with uncivilized people.”

What if, we, as the victims, if not survivors of this centuries-long American nightmare - people of color who’ve been unwelcome, unwanted - pimped, used and exploited from day-one, and still today in the 21st century remain the human targets of Trump’s storm-troopers . . . and no matter how high we go . . . Trump’s rank n’ file, led by his mid-level minions go low, gutter low?

Look-a-here, as Americans-of-color, we don’t have to “go-out” like this. As a people, who despite over-over-paying our dues for countless decades and generations with our devalued blood, sweat and tears, if Trump is reelected by a rigged, crooked and untrustworthy electoral process we will face an angry white population obsessed with disdain and contempt for us, and driven by blind hatred to force-fit us into 1937 monkey suits - living life in a segregated and unequal United States where we are seldom seen and hardly ever paid attention to - merely living our lives as nameless, faceless 2nd class semi-citizens.

Americans-of-color have much more control over our fate than we’d like to admit, we could, if we place as big a priority on “politics” as we do sports, music and watching “The Real Minstrels and Sapphires of any-hood USA . . .” we might be able to save Black America from half mad white folks.

Yes, we have Black Power . . . we’re just too distracted and dumbed down to put it to work.

Our kids don’t have to go out like most of Trump’s America wants us to go out - quietly, meekly, ignorantly unaware of what’s really going-on because we’ve been dumbed-down by an urban public miseducation system which hasn’t prepared black folks for anything but a second tier, subordinate lot in life as spectators and entertainers, not active, informed participants and contributors.

Remember, Black folks don’t let black friends vote for Trump . . . . Columnist, Desi Cortez, who also writes for &, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213. At age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the foot of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into an officer n' gentleman, a "man's man." Produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my "little" mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Wordsmith behind America's Ten Months Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even Trump Can't "Make America White Again." A New, More Inclusive, Diverse 21st Century America - Love It . . . Or Get The Hell Out!Contact Mr. Cortez and BC.

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