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Est. April 5, 2002
Feb 27, 2020 - Issue 807
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White America Desperately Needs
Clean Up Their Culture


"Euro-Americans (white folks) don’t  seek nor
want any real form of racial diversity nor unity.
'Inclusion' is a four-letter fighting word. Instead
what they seek is the racial separation they once
mandated. White America, Trump's America of
2020 will never accept a Black President again."

Deval Patrick, former Massachusetts Governor and overachieving Wall Street businessman was floating around the political airwaves asserting if he miraculously became the Democrat Party’s 2020 candidate for the Oval Office, he’ll be not merely the “President of the Democrats” but rather the “President of all Americans” - it was both a novel and noble philosophical approach, Partrick has now ended his hopeless campaign, however that high minded “kumbaya” approach was never feasible, workable, doable nor practical . . . if not ever possible again in a nation as divided as America is today.

Why? Because most Euro-Americans (white folks) don’t seek nor want any real form of racial diversity nor unity. “Inclusion” is a four-letter fighting word. Instead what they seek is the racial separation they once mandated. White America, Trump's America of 2020 will never accept a Black President again. Millions rather leave the Union, start their own all white country then coexist with a man or woman of color . . . some rather flee the states, lets let them.

Exclusion” is instead the word of the day, week, month, year, decade century and millennium for white America - it is the day-to-day existence they prefer. Trump’s America seems to not wish to “mix n’ mingle” with folks of color.

Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) chairman Matt Schlapp said Sunday that he’d be “afraid” for Sen. Mitt Romney’s safety if he were to attend the annual conservative event this month. He said people are so mad “they can’t guarantee his personal safety.” Now wait a Mormon minute . . . If Mitt Romney can't show up CPAC this year without fearing for his life . . . . once again, If Mitt is hated and despised to such as extreme degree as this, after he was the 2012 GOP Presidential nominee - than my god, Mary sweet mother of Jesus, good lord, what type of filled-to the brim with blind rage are Trump’s minions?

I ask, is this not a sinister Confederate themed cult? James Jones ain't got nuthin’ on Lord Trump!

Romney is being exiled and blackballed simply because he betrayed the “New Party of Trump,’ which is on a sacred mission to wrestle-away control of America from we folks of color. Their collective thought that via a Black President, a Black Super bowl winning Quarterback, a Black “this' ' and a Black “that” we’ve gotten way-too-big for our saggin’ britches. Mitt, by opposing Trump has, in the eyes of the rank n’ file rednecks gotten into bed with the party of Blacks and other Americans of color - the Democratic Party - he’s a “niggerlover.”

Let’s go another step here two Big Apple police officers were ambushed a few days ago by a Black man who had cold-blooded murder on his mind, neither died, but of course the responsibility is being placed on the city’s negro-loving Mayor De Blasio; “the members of the NYPD are declaring war on you!" The police union head tweeted. "We do not respect you, DO NOT visit us in hospitals. You sold the NYPD to the vile creatures, the 1% who hate cops but vote for you. NYPD cops have been assassinated because of you. This isn’t over, Game on!"

Trump keeps telling us the cops, truckers, bikers, army men and construction guys are on his side - this is the one thing he’s not lying about!

White America desperately needs to clean up their culture, which will lead to a cultural reformation. Nonetheless they’re not going to achieve this new birth. Arrogance will forbid it, won’t let it happen. Hear me, these forms of white hatred, these types of deeply embedded disdain and contempt can’t be easily, quickly or cheaply fixed - any form of cultural growth must be sought-after, desired and worked for - cultural enlightenment must be attained the ol’ fashion way, it must be “earned”.

The Democrat Party’s establishment wants to derail Bernie and replace him with a weak limp Biden, or pat themselves on their Liberal backs for being so “woke” they nominate a gay guy, who, right or wrong, good or bad millions of people aren't going to vote for because he is openly gay, or the Democrat fat-cats are willing to send in their own rich guy, Bloomberg, who hell does not even “like” Black people, was willing to strip-search all of us if he could find one of use with a joint, a stolen TV or a gun . . . What they’re saying is the wilting flower child base is willing to give King Trump a second term, almost surely ushering-in the re-education camps for those of us who are hardcore never ever Trumpers. The Liberals and Progressives will, in order to show their friends, their unborn grandchildren and the world that they were, yes, once again “woke” sell-out Black and Brown people to appear enlightened and keep the Democrat Party under “Ken n’ Barbie-doll” snowflake control.

Trump seeks vengeance, retribution, the “big, big payback.” He’s attacking bronze star soldiers who truthfully testified against him in the impeachment hearings, while he’s trying to walk-out con-men like Roger “the Dodger” Stone. Trump, like Stone is a sad, pathetic cartoon character who has no character, not a goddamn dimes worth, yet his red, white and white base is going to stand by their great white hope/dope. What’s next? Obama imprisoned for treason, that’s what’s next.

If American Democracy is finished, as it appears it very well may be, if this empire is regressing into a dictatorship, as it appears it is, then god help Black and Brown folks . . . .

For whatever the vast array of reasons may be, it seems we Americans of color - Latino’s Blacks, Asians and Natives, we appear to be unable, perhaps unwilling to accept what appears to be the obvious and undeniable historical truth - most European-Americans, from Trump’s rank n’ file to many of our “friends and comrades” - the limo riding, latte drinking liberals, together as a people with a common shared story really don’t want to coexist with us. “White flight” has been and remains real. Much of White America don’t want us as neighbors, in-laws, coworkers, their family doctor, their child's classmate or teacher. They don’t want us as award winning actors. They don’t want us as their boss at work and they don’t want us as President of their country.

Look, they don’t want us here in “their” America. They merely “tolerate” us in all facets of daily life.

What is the answer . . . splitting-up the United States - giving the Great Northwest to Trump as an all white “homeland to ease the pressure and appease the people?” Or, perhaps a mass- exodus of Americans-of-color to Central America or “back to Africa?” Nonetheless any idea of living together is an absolute no-go, simply because most white folks have no desire to do so - their day-to-day words and actions endlessly illustrate, in vivid HD black and white they want a good ol’ fashioned 1947 white America. Columnist, Desi Cortez, who also writes for &, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213. At age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the foot of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into an officer n' gentleman, a "man's man." Produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my "little" mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Wordsmith behind America's Ten Months Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even Trump Can't "Make America White Again." A New, More Inclusive, Diverse 21st Century America - Love It . . . Or Get The Hell Out!Contact Mr. Cortez.

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Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA
Peter Gamble

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