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Est. April 5, 2002
May 21, 2020 - Issue 819
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The D.C. Swamp
Keeps Getting Murkier Each Day


"There is one thing on Trump's mind: himself. His
mental derangement, just considering his malignant
narcissism, long ago became a danger to the U.S. and
to the world.  He has used the power of the nation to stride
across the globe, wreaking havoc wherever he goes,
as the rest of the world stands in awe that a country like
the U.S., once the leader of the world in most things,
could put such a creature in charge of anything, let alone
the fate of his country and much of the world."

The swamp that Donald Trump was to have cleaned up in Washington seems to epitomize the murky brain and persona of the president, himself, as he fires inspectors general one after another as they are engaged in the attempt to curb the criminal instincts of the president and his minions.

According to multiple news reports in recent weeks, there won't be many left standing who oppose the inclinations of Trump to obfuscate and lie about his administration's sycophants and their questionable actions, as he tries his best to undo all of the work of civic and community organizations that have been working diligently for a few generations to make government and the nation's environment safe for human and wildlife habitation.

There is one thing on Trump's mind: himself. His mental derangement, just considering his malignant narcissism, long ago became a danger to the U.S. and to the world. He has used the power of the nation to stride across the globe, wreaking havoc wherever he goes, as the rest of the world stands in awe that a country like the U.S., once the leader of the world in most things, could put such a creature in charge of anything, let alone the fate of his country and much of the world.

But there he is, in all of his unhinged glory, destroying regulations that are meant to make life more livable for the people and he does it with a stroke of a pen, issuing executive orders one after the other, saying that his actions will free up people to use their “creativity” to do things that have never been done before. The latest was his promise to veterans that they can go ahead and be free of regulations that are hindering the comeback of the economy in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. The one thing that he fears is that his economy won't come back before the November election, because the “greatest economy that the country has ever seen” is what he hoped he would ride to reelection.

For such a delusional head of state, to lose the power he wields as president of the U.S. is something that he is loathe to give up. He may love the power almost as much as he loves himself, which appears to be without limits. With that power, though, comes truly awesome responsibility and he has shown himself to be unable to be responsible for anything, because to do that, he would make himself subject to critique and criticism and he will have none of that. If he took responsibility for anything positive, he could open himself up to being responsible for a disaster and, in his mind, that would make him a loser. His father hammered into his mind that he should never put himself in a position to be considered a loser. So, he bullies his way through most things and he hates to be called to account for anything.

A simple question from a reporter, such as “Where's the plan?” brings forth such vitriol from Trump that he walks away from a press briefing without answering or calls on someone else. This is especially true of his response to women reporters. He can't stand that he should be answering their questions like an adult. Instead, he must believe himself to still be under the tutelage and protection of his father, who obviously bailed him out of all his troubles, starting with his schoolyard bully days. His bullying is wearing thin and his incompetence as president has become clear and presents a clear and present danger to the republic and to the nations that have looked to the U.S. for leadership since the end of World War II. Because of Trump, other nations are looking to form new alliances to try to thwart the worst impulses of this president. The “new world order,” as envisioned by the class that rules, may be forced to take a new form, since the pandemic has changed everything.

The biggest change has been the selection of Trump as president by the archaic Electoral College that was included in the U.S. Constitution as a way of keeping the rabble (workers and farmers) from gaining too much influence in governing. He was the loser in the popular vote, but the Electoral College bailed him out and made him president, much to his and others' extreme surprise. At first, he was a bit confused about what the presidency was about, but he got over it and proceeded to wield the power of the office like a monarch. He even stated it: The president has control over much of the nation, even more than just being the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He has tried his best to exercise that control, even to purging anyone and any office that is intended to clean up the swamp. Instead, he has made the swamp much more dangerous and, as he has said, he likes chaos and disruption and likes to try to function in that milieu. Trouble is, he doesn't function in that milieu or any other, but the chaos gives him cover.

Trump's latest outrage is the firing of the inspector general of the State Department, who was just beginning to investigate the antics of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his lavish dinners to which only Republicans, entertainers, business moguls, with a scattering of diplomatic types had been invited, until the pandemic brought them to an end. They were given at the expense of taxpayers, but they smelled more like low-level politicking and the people likely will never know while Trump remains in office.

No one knows why Trump dragged his feet in response to the coronavirus and COVID-19, but his delays have cost thousands of lives. As usual, when he saw the dimensions of the pandemic, he abandoned all responsibility and handed it off to the governors and the states. Again, that way, he is not responsible (in his own mind) for any of the deadly results. During his daily so-called press briefings, he continually spouted misinformation and lies and refuted the statements of the doctors and researchers who tried to inform the American people what was actually happening. His self-described “stable genius” believed himself to be a medical expert and public health expert. Thus, he almost had to self-administer hydroxychloroquine, the drug used against malaria, lupus, and arthritis, since he proposed it from his bully pulpit for the American people to use. Otherwise, his previous statements about the drug would not have been valid, even though most doctors and health professionals warned about its use. His favorite “news” channel, Fox, told their millions of viewers that following Trump's lead could kill them. His response: He's going to look for another “outlet,” one that agrees with him fully, no matter how insane his antics. He longs for the day when Roger Ailes was CEO of Fox, but he may not have noticed that Ailes is dead and even Fox can't tolerate his unhinged statements and behavior. Fox's Neil Cavuto warned on his show that the drug can kill, but he didn't mention that one of the side effects that should leave Trump shaking in his shoes is hair loss.

As Trump would say, “many people” are just waiting until he is out of office, so that his violation of the emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution can be brought to bear and his tax records can be made public, for until that is revealed, the extent of his criminal or unconstitutional activities will not be known, since his business interests and his presidential duties are so intertwined, it will take a long time to detail his transgressions. There is no cleanup of the swamp. He is steeped in its brackish and possibly toxic waters up to his neck. But to his cult following, he can do no wrong, even as he takes action to their detriment (they're losers to him), but to the 1 percent and the even smaller ruling class, he is a useful idiot, destroying all of the obstacles to their further profit. He is doing what they have been unable to do over the past century.

Crimes or not, they do not want him to drain the swamp. Columnist, John Funiciello, is a former newspaper reporter and labor organizer, who lives in the Mohawk Valley of New York State. In addition to labor work, he is organizing family farmers as they struggle to stay on the land under enormous pressure from factory food producers and land developers. Contact Mr. Funiciello and BC.

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David A. Love, JD
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Nancy Littlefield, MBA
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