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Friends of BC
Bookmark and Share wishes to acknowledge and thank the following contributors for their financial help in keeping our voice alive. Those listed below have supported BC financially and and chose to have their name listed here. Names are alphabetical by last name.

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Abundant Health
"on behalf of Action Attorneys of Detroit, Michigan"
Rick Adams
Richard M Adams Jr on behalf of Institute of the Black World 21st Century
Royce Adams
Thomas Adams
on behalf of AFGE Local 476
Afro-American Cultural Center At Yale University
Johnny Agnew
"Oladipo AkaBashorun on behalf of People's Environmental, Inc."
Zakiya Alake
Bill Alberts
Peter Albertson
Richard Alexander
Adisa Alkebulan
Barbara Allen
Dorothy Allen
William Allen
David Alpert
Shirley Amos-Fox
An Odd Volume - Terry Ross
Gordon Anderson
Jacqueline Anderson
Nathaniel Angel
Hiruye Aradom
David Arnold
Olen Arrington Jr
Kirby Ashley
Chris Ausbon
Quinton Baker
Camille Baly
Bil Banks
Lawrence Barclay
Claude Barnes
Samuel Barnes
Wiley Barnett
Wiley G Barnett
Rodney Barnette
Cameron Barron
Byron Barton
Ashley Bates
Larry Batie
Sabelo Bbela
Frances M Beal
"Frances M Beal in remembrance of Manning Marable, Activist and Scholar"
Calvin Beatty on behalf of Soundview Partners LLC
Vanessa Beck
Jesse Beckles
Derrick Bell
Michael Bell
Patricia Bell
Robert Bell
Lizzie Belvin-Flowers
Jamal Benin
Lincoln Bergman
Joe T Berry
Robert L Berry on behalf of JazzXpressions - Whimseez Fine Arts
Irvin Best
Lowell Beveridge
Michelle Bey-Williams
William Bianchi on behalf of Progressive Democrats of America-Illinois
Anna Blackman
Lawrence Blum
Sam Boskey
Wayne Boswell
Susan Bower
Rosetta Bradford
Thomas Bradshaw
James Branson
Vicki Braswell
Van Braxton on behalf of Braxton Electric
Betty Breedlove
Joshua Bregman
Pearl Brisco
Craig Brookins
Roger Brooks
Beverly Brown
Kalema Brown
Kenneth Brown
Lizz Brown
Michelle Elizabeth Brown
Rick Brown
Stephen Brown
Stephen M Brown
William Browne
James Brumley
Jonathan Buchsbaum
Bryan Bullock
Doug Bullock
John V Burke In Honor Of Naomi Weisstein
Khephra Burns
Dennis Burnside
Darryl Burrs
Darryl Burrs on behalf of JR
Melanie Bush
Frances Bynum
Martina P Callum MD
Teresa Camajani
Michael Carano
Paul Carpenter
Teryl Carr
Edward Carter
John Case
Franck Casseus
Franck Casseus on behalf of Fanmi Lavalas
Denise Chalvet
Ron Chandler
Cathy Chapman
Kenneth Chase
Cathy Chinnery
Ed Ciaccio
John Clarke
Rodger Clarke
Dennis Claxton
Michael Clegg
Roger Clendening on behalf of Roger's Travel Network
Millicent Cleveland
Reza Clifton
Clifton Coleman
Janet Coleman
Kay Collins-Schulz on behalf of Kay's Blue Racine
"on behalf of Conceptual Contracting, Inc."
Franklin W Conway
Barbara Cook
Russell Cook
Richard Cooper
David Cormier
Jeremiah Cornelius
Cheryl Countess
David Covin
Mary Crayton
Creativity & Magic Inc
Keldrick Crowder
Otis Cunningham
Bill Curtis
Marvelon Dampeer
Sean D'Aniell
James Daniels
Larry Daniels
Ronald D Daniels
John Dash
Kevin Davenport
Ellen Davidson on behalf of Woodstock International Newspaper
Eddie Davis
Floyd B Davis
Jerome Davis
Johnny Davis
Kenneth M Davis Sr
Lisa Davis
Michael C Dawson
Julian Dawson
Barbara Dean
Gilbert Dean
Gilbert Dean III
on behalf of C L Dellums African American Union Leadership School
Terrell Dickerson
Ajamu Dillahunt
Isaiah Dillhunt
Robert Dodds
Robert Dodds on behalf of Trineday.Com Publishing
Chuck Dohn
Ted Dooley Law Office
Will Doolittle
Laura Dottin
Prudence Dowers
Sam Duncan
Dave Duncan
David Duncan
Thomas S Duncan
John Dunning
on behalf of Educational & Social Research (ESR)
Carl Edwards
Joan Edwards
Bruce Eggum
Michael Eisenscher
"Edward Eitches on behalf of American Federation of Government Employees, Local 476 (Hud)"
Karen Elenich
Jane English
Onita Estes-Hicks
Raymond Eurquhart
Charles Evans
David Fairley
Eugene Farley
Constance Ferguson
Abraham Fields
Marianne Fisher-Giorlando
Bill Fletcher Jr
Richard Ford
Lee Fort
Teddy Francis
Zoe Franklin on behalf of Chicago Council on Black Studies
Dianna Freelon-Foster
Mildred Freeney-Hilton
Barbara J Fuller
John Furnish
Peter Gamble
Carol Gaudin
Marjorie Gauley
Derrick Gibson
Stephen Gilliard
Charles Gilmore Jr
William Gilyard III
Adrianne Gladden
Renee Glover
Gary Goff
P Barbara Goldberg on behalf of Kids Against Hunger
Donald Goldmacher
Mark Goodman
Jesse Goodwin
Ronald Gordon
Randy Gould
Patrick Grace
Michael B. Green PhD
Lester Greene
"Sylvester Griffin on behalf of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc."
Michael Griffing
Shirley Grigsby
Arthur Grimes
Adrienne Grist
Paul Grohse on behalf of 8Th Floor Productions (Atlanta / Brooklyn)
Sidy Gueye on behalf of
Jeremy Hager
Michael Haggerty on behalf of National Black United Front - Houston Chapter
Raynard Hall (Bronzecomm)
Reginald Haley
Jacques Hamel
Bruce Hamilton
Marjorie Hammock
Joseph Hampton
Helen Hancock
Lateef Hanif
Jean Hardisty
Denise Hardy
on behalf of Harris Family
Marqueece Harris-Dawson
William Hart
John Haueter RN
William Hay
Joel Haycock
Clifford A Hayes Sr
Steven Hayes
Art Haywood
Louis Head
Richard Healey
Cherri Hendricks
Cherri Hendricks on behalf of Lovell D. Hendricks
Douglas Henwood
Rebecca Hensley
Edward Herman
Mario Hernandez on behalf of The Nation Of Islam
Brandon Hewitt
Steven Hiatt
Michael Hibbler
Selby Hickey
Patricia Hicks
Claude Hill
on behalf of Sheila Hill
Sylvia Hill
Asa G Hilliard
Rosemary Hite
Peter Hogness
David Holmstrom
Harry Holt
John Holt on behalf of
Marion D Hooper
Raymond Horne on behalf of C L Dellums African American Union Leadership School
Clarence Howard
Jeffrey Howard
Jill Humphries
Frederick Hutchinson
Helen Huyler
Alvin Ibn-Gazi
Asmahdi Ibnziyad on behalf of Africana Inter-Faith Institute
"Izania, LLC"
Independent Media Institute
Independent Media Services
William Isable
Warren Jabali
Shebzel Jabesh
Andrew P Jackson
Corey Jackson
Joanna Jackson
"Miles Jackson on behalf of Miles M. Jackson, Ph.D"
Siddeeq Jackson
Theodora Jackson-Roberts
Michelle Jackson-Triplett
Shomari Jahi
Solomon J Jamerson
Dante James
Karen James on behalf of Feeding America
Henry Jefferson
Marcus Jelks
Elaine Jenkins
James Jennings
Edward Johnson
Franklin Johnson
Marsha Johnson
Diane Johns
David Johnson
Edward Johnson
Keith Johnson
Harold Jones II
Jefrey Jones
John R Jones
Paul Jones
Wes Johnson
Michael A Joseph
Reginald Joseph
William Joseph
Paul Kaczocha
David Kandel
Molly Kane
Malaika H. Kambon
Tarak Kauff on behalf of Veterans for Peace
Arnold Kawano
Mondibo Kelsey
Maceo Kemp
Faye Kennedy
Marie Kennedy
Alturrick Kenney
Marion Kilson PhD
Martin Kilson PhD
Claudia King
"Joyce King on behalf of Academy For Diaspora Literacy, Inc."
Avon Kirkland
Thomas Kozlovsky
Jack Kurzweil
Joseph Labonte on behalf of Constitution Restoration Cooperative Association
on behalf of Labor/Community Strategy Center
Keith Langford
Karl Laraque
Eric Larsen on behalf of The Oliver Arts & Open Press
Magali Larson
Lee (Last Name Withheld)
Chantal Laurent
Hager Law PLLC
Michael Lawrence
Vidal Lawrence
Vidal Lawrence on behalf of The Veeva Group
Ellen Leary
Robert Lee
Dale Lehman
on behalf of Chantay Leonard
Juan Leyton
Library Consultant Services
on behalf of Library Consultant Services LLC
Nikolai Lieders
Nancy Littlefield
Samuel Littlejohn Jr
Charles Lownes
Wahneema Lubiano
Stephanie Luce
Meizhu Lui
Donald Luster
Michael J Lythcott
Maggie M
Johnny Mack
John Macleod
Olivia Magee
Mary Magill
John Major
John Manning
Helga Markgraf-Fowler
Neil Mars
Donald Martin
Jim Martin
Richard Martin
Sharon Martinas
David Masciotra
Clover Mathis
Clover Mathis on behalf of 3-Leaf Productions
Raymond Mazurek
Bill McCartney
Martha McCluskey
Joe McCormick
Joseph McCormick
Iris McCreath on behalf of Black College Fund
Kenneth McIntyre
Winston McIntosh
Rich Medicke
Patricia Medley
Benjamin Melancon
Deborah Menkart
Andrea Mensch
Lewis Merrick
Lorenzo Merritt
on behalf of Mfc Social Justice Advocacy
Calvin Miaw
Andrew T Miller
Beverly L Miller
"Brian Miller on behalf of Brian Miller, United for a Fair Economy"
J T Mohead
Sherri Molnar
Walter Moody
Edgar Moore
"Jeffery Moore on behalf of ILE OMODE (Independent Pre-K Thru 8Th School In Oakland, Ca)"
Terrence Moore
James Morris
Luis Moscoso
Abdul Alim Mubarak-Rowe
Jamal Mubdi-Bey
Edward Muhammad
Sharron Muhammad
Curtis Mullins
Melvin Munoz
Normadene Murphy
MVT Enterprises Inc
Jonathan Nack
Joseph L Navarro
Odeana R Neal
Prexy Nesbitt
Rozell Nesbitt
Renata Newbill-Jallow
Robert Newby
Roger Newell
Roger Newell on behalf of DC Jobs With Justice
Makani Themba Nixon
Charles Noble
James Nolan
Kenneth B Nunn
David Oberweiser Jr
Francesca Ochoa
Susan Ohanian
Bette Okanlawon
Aaron O'Neal
Earl Oneal
Morris Onyewuchi
John L. Opperman
Charlie Orrock
Paul Ortiz
Kathryn Oths
Christopher Owens
Garry Owens
Garry Owens on behalf of itsJUSTwater
Garry Owens on behalf of Lelo
Michelle Oxman
Douglas Page
Patrick Palmer
Shahidah Pasha
on behalf of Pathfinders Of SDA's
Ian Patterson
"Bonnie Peak-Graham on behalf of Our Common Ground Communications, LLC"
Javiar Pelham
Eva Pellegrini
Chryle Penn
James N Perlstein
Joe Pernell
Robert Perrone
Jeffrey Perry
George Peterson
Lincoln Pettaway
Meh Phillips
"Robert Pickett on behalf of Bob Pickett, Esq., Kiss-fm NYC"
Jemima Pierre
Fred L Pincus
Richard Pippen
Steven Pitts
Matthew Platt
Malcolm Polk
The Rev Jeanette Pollard
George Russell Pope
"Curtiss E Porter, PhD"
Maggie Potapchuk
Rita Powdrell
Dyanne Powell
Everett Prewitt
Priority Africa Network
Wesley Profit
Carnelius Quinn
Peggy Quinn
Vernellia Randall
Amelie Ratliff
Elce Redmond
Carl Redwood Jr
Eric Reece
Wornie Reed
David Reid
L Renford
Dennis Rexton
"Ronald C Rice, West Ward Councilman, City Of Newark"
Frank Richards
James A Richardson
Samuel Richardson
John Riddell
Wilson Riles on behalf of Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI)
Wilson Riles on behalf of Oakland C.A.N.
Jacqueline Robbins
Beverly Robinson on behalf of The Robinson Family
Juanita Robinson
Stewart Robinson
BJ Rogers
Derrick Rogers on behalf of Compassion Ministries of Milwaukee
Jamala Rogers
William Rogers on behalf of Nirvana Institute
Richard Roman
Eric Romann
Anthony Romano
Wes Rose
Wesley Rose
Herman Rosenfeld
Martha Rosler
Gariel Ross
"Gariel Ross on behalf of St. Stephen United Church Of Christ Greensboro, Nc"
Howard Rotman
Otis Rounds
Tanya Russell
Lynne Rustad
Clayton Salter
Benjamin Salzano
Judith Salzman
Mark Sawyer
Kathy Scarbrough
Emile Schepers
William Schleicher
Carl Schieren
Tracey Schilling
Steve Schnapp
Steve Schnapp on behalf of United for a Fair Economy
Antony Schofield
Robert Schwartz
Jahmilah Sekhmet
Willaim Sellers
Abdulalim Shabazz
Anthony Shakir on behalf of Frictional Recordings
Imam Zaid Shakir
Randolph Shannon
Rhoda Shapiro
Ramon V Sharpe
"Cindy Sheehan on behalf of Casey Sheehan, my son who was killed in Iraq on 04/04/04"
Tommie Shelby
Karen Shelley
Salmon Shomade
Herb Shore
Randy Short
Charles Shropshire
Louise Simmons
Bernestine Singley
Larry Skwarczynski
Colin Smith
David Y Smith
Dr Donald H Smith
Ingemar Smith
Mark Smith
Mark E Smith
Melvin Smith
Melvin W Smith
Reuben Smith
Richard Smith
Terri Smith-Caronia
Solidarity Infoservices
John Sonnett
Ade Soudan
Karen Spence
on behalf of SPLC & NAACP
Michael Squarrel
John Stafford
Johnny D Stallings on behalf of Stallj
"Russell Stamper, Sr"
Patrick Stanford
Sherry Stanley
Marsha Steinberg on behalf of BDS LA for justice in Palestine
Stephen Steinberg
Richard Stephenson
Marshall Stevenson - Dillard University
James E Stewart
Art Stoeberl
Beverly Stoeltje
Randolph Stone
Bill Strickland
George Swales
Kali Tal
Pierrette Talley
Michael Tanzer
Ralph Taylor
Celeste Taylor
Dr G Rita Taylor MD
Muata Tchiguka
Walter Teague
Caroline Teal
Ricardo Teamor
Gary Thomas
Lydia B Thomas
Aaron Thompson
C Thompson
Nancy Thompson
Judy Thuss
Muriel Tillinghast
Frederick Tinsley
Trina Tocco
Terry Tolbert
Jonathan Tolliver on behalf of ASPCA
Askia Touré
Nakia T Townsend
Pebbles Trippet
Janet Tucker
Racine Tucker-Hamilton
Blake Turner
Chuck Turner
C Turpin
Carl Turpin
Cory Tye
Janet Tucker
Judith Tyson
Renita Tyson
Richard L Ullom Ullom
Richard L Ullom Ullom on behalf of 3-Leaf Productions
Dennis Vail
Hillel Valentine
Tony Vann
Lawrence R Velvel
Lorelei Villarosa
Troy Walker
Victor Wallis on behalf of Research Group on Socialism and Democracy
Dana Warren
Hershell Warren
Deborah Watkins
Janet Watkins
James Watts
Jerry G Watts
Bonnie Weinstein
Paul Whalen
Barbara White
George White
Jeffery Whitney
Adolph Y Wilburn
David B Wilkerson
Anita Wilkins
Dennis Wiley
Marvin Wiley
"Marvin Wiley on behalf of M.L. Wiley, Esq; & Associatiates"
Dwight Williams
Carolyn Y Williams
Charles Williams
Glenn Williams
Joy M Williams
Judy Williams
Kathleen Williams
Laura Williamson
Loretta Williams
Michael Williams on behalf of Creativity & Magic
Ray Williams
Rod Williams
Vernon Williams
Zachery Williams on behalf of Africana Cultures and Policy Studies Institute
Jack Willis
Augusta Wilson
Frederick Wilson
George G Wilson
James Wilson
Loralee Wiltz
Howard Winant
Howard A Winant
Raymond Winbush
Timothy Wise
Blaine Wishart
Darius Withers
Reinhard Witiak
Leon Wofsy
John Woodford
Vernice A Woodland
Nathan Woodruff
Claudell Woods
Jimmie Woods
Lloyd Wright
Tyrone Wright
Laura X
Dennis Young
Marjory Zimmerman




is published every Thursday
Est. April 5, 2002
Executive Editor:
David A. Love, JD
Managing Editor:
Nancy Littlefield, MBA
Peter Gamble
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