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Est. April 5, 2002
May 20, 2021 - Issue 866
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Good Day Justice Breyer

My name is Desi Cortez, and on behalf of all Black folks, all 47 million “plus” Afro-Americans, each and everyone of us (except of course Uncle Toms and Tims,) I implore of you to please, with brown sugar n’ honey (infused) consider stepping-down (slowly) from your high and all-so supreme seat in a noble effort to save the nation from White Nationalist, Neo-Confederates, White Supremacist and Neo Nazi's, translation; the mainstream USA...ain't that the ice-cold truth, sir?

Please Judge Bryer, now after 27 years do you not willingly want to give your Supreme Court seat up, under Democrat rule, understanding the recent history of the court and the obvious stacking and packing (without lubrication) which has taken place by Trump's main male witch Mitch McConnell?

Perhaps you don’t grasp what’s at stake…?

If you stay on, 2025 and let's say a "Trumpian" minded (racist/sexist/elitist/phobic) candidate takes the Oval Office and you, at age what, 107 croak, flat-line, bite-the-dust, go the way of dinosaurs – then what's next? The next "MEGA" Grand Pooh-Bah would most definitely install good ol' boys like Ted Nugent, Ted Cruz, or Donald Trump...Junior, good lord, God help us all that certifiable maroon holds any public office. You must allow President Harris, Oops, I mean President Bidden to replace you with… Don Lemon, Joy Reid or... Obama, no not Barack, but Mrs. Michelle "playtimes over boys" Obama.

Of course, you recognize what could happen if you don't make political calculations prominent in your decision to retire.

I’ve been to Costa Rica, it’s a great place to live out your final years.

This empire will, over the next quarter-century or so, with a "fixed" court return to only God knows what way of life. Clearly, Trump's fanatics and lunatics – who constitute the GOP rank n' file base, don't like this current "wok" wave engulfing the land and want to snuff it out, starting with whose "truth" is taught in public schools and who's allowed to participate in the political process, i.e., who can vote. And that's just the beginning Judge. Police brutality as a "way-of-business" must be preserved and reinforced – let all us "darkies and "Gorillas in the mist" know who's running this nation, "White-man Land." Because the "meanness" and "cruelness" is what this is all about - who's running this decadent empire? Who owns this shameless, unprincipled empire?

Who’s to say the 80 million or so White folks who enthusiastically back this new All American 4th Richt won't seek to put us, Black folks, back in chains? Who's to say they wouldn't? Someone please step forward and guarantee me that can't happen under President Ron DeSantis's presidency? Can you guarantee that won't happen Justice Breyer?

I don’t think Trump’s Oath-Keepers and Proud Boys would be satisfied with us just staying in “da’ hood.” No, instead I think they want to either send us all “back to Africa” or, and I’m dead serious, they want to turn the giant ovens and gas chambers back on. Lynch Blacks in mass...

Same folks, different time n' place?

Speaking of genocide... if America can get away with doing that to us, the Palestinians are next. Netanyahu is as racist as Trump, armed to the “T” by Uncle Sam, sees himself as “White” and the Palestinians are merely niggers, sand niggers, but nonetheless fewer niggers. I can’t support rockets fired randomly into Israel’s settlements, that is the definition of “terrorism,” And I’m saddled with the knowledge that I understand Israel and recall Netanyahu was but a hi-level flunky, but his party backed racist South Africa and their efforts to wage a cruel and merciless genocidal campaign against the African National Congress, all the way to the bitter, bloody end... Israel supplied all the hardware. Am I to ignore that fact? I read The Unspoken Alliance: Israel's Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa.

And both Arabs and Jews were neck-deep in trading black souls for centuries… knee deep here in the US, in Black communities profiting off our lack-of consumer choices...yeah it's a lot for an intellectually curious, enlightenment-seeking Black man like myself to weigh, measure and pound.

You may not dig this, Judge, but dig this: American Indians, Black Americans and Palestinians – we are expendable Judge. And if you allow your Supreme Court seat to fall into the hands of those who want to turn back the hands-of-time to yesteryear, the good ol" days...we may very well be talking, if not WWII type concentration camps, then we're talking pre-1865, we're talking slavery.

Jim Crow II might not be brutal enough.

Justice B, you well know the per-civil war North was not, by any measure “Liberal” or “Progressive” minded when it came to “race relations.” Black folks occupied an undeniably inferior th class place in Northern US society. It seems clear today, after watching White folks running around like “the sky is falling” when confronted with equality, diversity and inclusion, the old Jefferson Davis Confederacy wasn't merely a long-gone Southern geographical location, below the Mason/Dixon line, but rather it was, once again - a deeply held value system which knew no geographical boundaries. This nation, from Alaska to Nebraska, Fargo to Key Largo, Montana to Louisiana to Savannah is riddled with, and interwoven with some “blind” hatred for Black folks.

Trump’s ascension to cult figure makes just this point – we all know, see and believe him to be a racist, sexist and elitist demagogue who has a national/global fan-base. There’s no denying that appalling fact. Judge you know they love “Dirty Donny” like they loved “Tricky Dick” Nixon...

Sure Judge you can wait till the end, perhaps say late 2023, and if Biden is still ...breathing, or if President Harris is at the Helm she will, of course, appoint either Stacey Abrams or Mrs. Obama to your seat, but why not get it done now, ahead of time, early in this "frail" administration, to ensure time to wage the inevitable political showdown at "OK Corral," high noon – because your seat-of absolute, audacious power matters.

Alarmingly here’s your recent answer to the notion of stepping-down, and this is some know what “My experience of more than 30 years as a judge has shown me that, once men and women take the judicial oath, they take the oath to heart,” he said last month in a lecture at Harvard Law School. “They are loyal to the rule of law, not to the political party that helped to secure their appointment.”

You capped the lecture off with this wishful thinking, drunk with Walt Disney optimism-like gibberish “If the public sees judges as politicians in robes,” he said, “its confidence in the courts, and in the rule of law itself, can only diminish, diminishing the court’s power.

Who, I ask who in the hell do you think, in this socially polarized nation thinks politics don’t mold, impact, influence and shape the court? What blinkin' world are you livin' in? You're talking about "confidence" that the court is fair and balanced? "Rule of Law" Are you serious sir? The rule of law in these so-called United States is… God is money, Money is god. That's it. That's the law, sir.

You can’t stay and risk it all in some vain effort to illustrate your political neutrality, once again, are you serious?!

Well, we are, and once again, I do speak for all Black folks... but the Toms, we were all in on a zoom call last night and we decided to have me send you this heartfelt message, please consider my words, I am serious as Covid 19. The fate of millions of Black Americans rests in your old wrinkled pale White hands, don't drop us! Columnist, Desi Cortez, who also writes for &, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213. At age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the foot of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into an officer n' gentleman, a "man's man." Produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my "little" mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Wordsmith behind America's Ten Months Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even Trump Can't "Make America White Again." A New, More Inclusive, Diverse 21st Century America - Love It . . . Or Get The Hell Out!. Contact Mr. Cortez and BC.

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