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Regarding: "Crash" and the Self-Indulgence of White America by Robert Jensen and Robert Wosnitzer, Think Piece, Issue #176

You made a mistake in presenting the article, "Crash" and the Self-Indulgence of White America," made worse because the authors happen to be white. The article rests on faulty analysis, as well as falsely being presented as a black perspective. Unquestionably, the US is a (white) racist society but the authors skin the wrong cat in trying to promote their polemic. In the end this article will not advance racial understanding; rather it will impede it.  – RD

This is just a note to say I gained knowledge, was inspired and am enjoying reading the stories on your home page. Bravo! – IW

Read your new BC board...tell me, and I'm being VERY serious here, do you have any idea where you want Black America to go?  What if our only fate in America is destruction as a people, are members of your new board open to that possibility?  If so, can they seriously discuss that particular issue?  And tell me, how many are Xtians?  Does that have a profound and direct bearing on their world view and socialization?  Black there any hope in the White man's culture? Or are we still stuck on whether this is a white man's culture? – ST

Congratulations on your board forming best of luck... – JB

I am pleased and heartened by the Black Community's response to BC's plea to acknowledge the ties of blood.. I knew the depth of love was always there & will always be. It is so good to see it out again.  We are ONE people. When we forget that, we will die.  Those more aware have a duty to remind the sleepers of the precariousness of our situation, globally. Another false start on a large scale & we are finished. Truly! Not one of us has the right to be self-satisfied.  So I salute you. – JH

Congratulations on the new Board – CF

Regarding: A Tale of Two Genocides by Africa Action, Cover Story, Issue #197

I agree that the role of the United States is pivotal. The administration needs to exert as much influence in putting together an international alliance with respect to human rights abuses and genocide in Africa as we put together in going into Afghanistan and Iraq (but more effective). On the other hand, I would like to read about China's role in the Security Council in thwarting effective resolutions of the Security Council in dealing with the Darfur genocide. A recent issue of the New York Times magazine explored this role. – LW

Regarding: BC Remembers Atlanta's White Race Riots of 1906, Cover Story, Issue #198

I was looking for the quote from Walter White.

“...I was gripped by the knowledge of my identity, and in the depths of my soul I was vaguely aware that I was glad of it. I was sick with loathing for the hatred which had flared before me that night and come so close to making me a killer; but I was glad I was not one of those who hated; I was glad I was not one of those made sick and murderous by pride.”

Thanks for being the great resource that you are. – JL

Regarding: BC website design, and a comment on Harold Ford

I just wanted to let some one know I love the site. Very good article content and layout. I am a Web Design major student right now so, when I look at web sites now it's in a whole new light. Also, to touch on Harold Ford, Jr. and as a Tennessee citizen I will NOT be voting for him. Since, your site is political and social I thought I'd throw one person's opinion to you. I will not be voting for him on one fact and one fact only, I do not trust him one bit. He comes from the longest line of crooked family of politicians I have ever seen. Being a Tennessean my whole life and living in this beautiful state, I have had to endure the nightly local news reporting every year of some terrible, devious wrong doing of the Ford family. I saw that your site's address was in NJ so, I thought I'd give you a Tennessean's perspective. I love this site and will add it to my favorites. – JF

Regarding: Dedicating September 11th to Bush by David Swanson, Think Piece, Issue #197

I saw David Swanson finishing up his speech on C-Span.  Thanks for giving him a forum on BlackCommentator.  Just makes the boat a little bigger.  If we let these crimes go on unchallenged, we face the ultimate transformation of the USA into a population who agrees with everything that the Bush Regime says.  The rest of us will be dead, imprisoned, in slave camps.  Fighting the next was--part of a state of perpetual war--or starving on the streets forming marauding gangs fighting for the scraps that are tossed out the windows of the ruling elite, ensconced in their barded wire redoubts.

I recall an episode of the old TV show, "From the Hill", where a newspaper editor was asked how could the criminals possibly take over this country, he replied simply"  "How?  That is easy.  We let them.  We sell our country off bit by bit until our normal state blurs into a state of complete and utter surrender!"  Kind of like the frog in water that is slowly raised to boiling temperature one degree at a time--until the frog is ready to eat, but with a smile on his face.

Curiously, "From the Hill", starring a well-known political activist, Ed Asner, did not have a long run on prime time.  It was canceled shortly after that particular episode, as were other subsequent programs that dared to probe and question the status quo.

How many now remember a short-lived show starring Josh Brolin that delved into the "strange bedfellows" atmosphere that endures in and around the Beltway?  Good show---Long gone.

As millions can see, our democracy, touted as sui generis to the Great Unwashed of the world, is hanging by a thread.  Time to get up off our asses, get active and start restoring our united States of America.  Maybe we will get it right this time.  Or closer, anyway.

The Great Unwashed are looking down and wondering... – DG

A great essay by Professor Early.  Right on target and historically accurate about Castro’s role and support of Africa. – DS

Regarding; Gay Rights are Civil Rights by Julian Bond, Issue #199

Great article you featured as the cover story.  Plus, I made you 'site of the week' @  - SH

I find it interesting that an outspoken paper such as yourselves had no comment in the Julian Bond article.  Is this lack of voice on your part fear or the fact that BC has no stand on homophobia in the black community?  If you are not standing up for a cause you are sitting down twiddling your thumbs. – DM

(So, we think this means you’re happy with the inclusive nature of the new BC Editorial Board, and the article in Issue #200 by Badili Jones, “Queer Socialism” Intersections: The LGBTQ Role in Society, the Struggle and Socialism – NL)

Regarding: The Katrina Aftermath - One Year: What Are The Lessons Learnt? by Anthony Asadullah Samad, Issue #195

I was saddened, shocked and dismayed at Anthony Samad's careless and reckless accusations in his otherwise highly readable think piece, "New Orleans a year after Katrina."

Samad's irresponsible characterization of Ray Nagin, Kathleen Blanco and George Bush as the political equivalents of the Three Stooges is highly insulting and a blemish on the sensibilities of all true Americans. I think I speak for all forward thinking, good hearted citizens of this great country when I call upon Anthony Samad to issue an apology. Certainly Larry, Curly and Moe deserve better than that. Whom did they ever harm to deserve such feckless treatment from any upstanding journalist or journal, electronic or otherwise? Ray Nagin, Kathleen Blanco and George Bush equate to the Three Stooges only in their dreams. Come on Tony, cop to it. You went way over the top on this one. The Three Stooges deserve an apology. – JD

Regarding: What's Wrong With Calling Bush A Devil? by Jeff Cohen, Issue #199

In response to Jeff Cohen's guest article, "What's Wrong with Calling Bush a Devil", I have a general question.  Why is it that so many of the so-called left in the US feel compelled to judge Presidente Chavez's speech at the U.N.?  Let us ponder, for a moment, Mr. Cohen's patronizing declaration:

"Let me be clear: Those of us who use facts instead of rant; reason and argument instead of name-calling and personal attacks; evidence instead of intimidation and accusations of disloyalty -- we have the moral authority to tell Hugo Chavez that his comments were out of line."

His claim of moral authority is an issue for another day.  My greater concern is that Mr. Cohen, a resident, I assume, of the largest and most harmful nation in the world, feels perfectly comfortable lecturing the leader of a southern nation (not to mention that nation's first president of color) about what is and is not "out of line".  Perhaps, it's time for us in the US. and supposed proponents of progressive politics to not jump on this latest bandwagon of American moral indignation and instead say, either in full voice or in a whisper, "Well, if the shoe fits..."

All this makes me think of Malcolm X's analysis of liberal, white Amerikkka.  Something about wolves in sheep’s' clothing?  - TA

And another:

I read Jeff Cohen’s piece What’s Wrong with Calling Bush a Devil?  Along with many, many others outside your shores (and I’m sure a good number within) I have enjoyed reading of Chavez’ denunciation of your president at the UN, and thought “it’s about time someone said that”.  Don’t get me wrong – I have American friends, have spent some time living there, and admire the people and the country in a lot of ways, but there’s a helluva lot to not like, too.  Bush is packed on the top of the latter heap along with his puppetmasters and corporate thugs.

So, having interpreted Jeff Cohen’s title to mean there actually is something wrong with calling Bush a devil, I was kind of expecting to find the question answered.  Did I miss it?  It’s not a long piece, after all.  No – just a lot of apparently good reasons for the attack (since the shock jocks never miss a chance from the other side), followed in the last paragraphs by a piss-weak claim to the High Moral Ground (“Those of us who use facts instead of rant; reason and argument instead of name-calling…”).  Well, I’m sorry Jeff, but I disagree.  I don’t think Chavez was name-calling.  He was telling it like it really is (admittedly using theatre to it’s full).  I don’t know how you define the devil.  But if someone asked me to, and GWB happened to walk by, I’m pretty sure I’d just say “There!  See that guy?  That’s him”.  And it wasn’t A devil, was it?  Wasn’t it THE devil he was referring to? – TT

General Comments from BC Readers:

Your propensity to continuously provoke and cajole the readers of your columns in thinking of the true spirit of unity and community improvement, calling to task all of the evil-doers (they seem to multiply daily, don't they) who seek to tear down entire groups of people based on whatever criteria they decide upon when they open their black eyes, provides me a constant source of strength and confidence in not only keeping hope alive but becoming an integral participant in fighting the hegemonic machine of Amerikkka. I can only hope the truth you continue to shine the light on is realized by more of those who seem to resist it the most. Our faith has to carry those who have none, our commitment has to bolster those who do not want to work, our unwavering hope for better must be the torch that burns longer than the enemies, I can only believe these things can be real. Your words are a tonic, bold and unapologetic, that more of our populace needs to wake them from the slumber of brain-numbing TV and mindless Media. Once again thank you for your incredible intellect, an insight that is fearlessly focused on the Truth. May the Divine One keep your voice strong and your conscious clear...  – TD

I just heard President Bush give his reason for continuing to 'fight terrorism.' One thing the President has forgotten is that the world now knows exactly how compassionate America is concerning its own people - they observed what our President did during Hurricane Katrina. The world is watching the United States sanction killing innocent men, women and children in America. The world responded to the disaster faster than our own government. How can President Bush cite America as promoting Freedom when we have demonstrated how we treat our own citizens. We have terrorist in America (KKK, Ku Klux Klan) and they are not being targeted--it appears that they are being supported. In fact, being Black in America is a liability. Police feel justified in killing Black Americans and in New Orleans, the world saw that Law Enforcement personnel used guns to prevent people from escaping the disaster caused by Hurricane Katrina. American people were not allowed to save themselves. Americans died while the world watched. Is this the protection the U.S. is offering to the rest of the world? How can our President claim that the U.S. is the champion of FREEDOM and FAIR PLAY when American citizens who built this country are not being treated FAIRLY. All people in America are not being treated with dignity. When will African Americans be treated with dignity? When will our children be saved from death in American cities at the hand of so called 'law enforcement'? When will President Bush enforce working together in good faith to eliminate racism in America?  - JS"

I just stumbled upon your Website while looking for prison statistics for black males in America.  I have 4 sons, two of which are teens and I am desperately trying to motivate them to make the most of every opportunity and be all that they can be.  I also want them to be sober about the world in which we live.  Thanks for the information that you provide here.  I will mark it as a favorite in my browser. – SP

I feel you and other groups should sue and or attack CBS for attempting to increase racial divides with their new "racially divided" Survivor. It serves no purpose will only generate more hate. I ask you and other rights groups to put pressure on CBS and sponsors of Survivor to right this wrong! Please feel free to pass this on to anyone you feel will act on it. I have NO PLANS to watch this show! – DG

I get the emails you send, and I'd like to donate, but I don't want to use a credit card. Why don't you have Paypal as a payment option?  - LS

(Maybe someone can help us out with this.  While Paypal is certainly convenient, and a fine company, etc., etc., we hesitate to offer Paypal because of the huge volume of mail we get, supposedly from Paypal, asking us to log in for one reason or another.  Obviously, since we don’t currently accept Paypal, these emails must be junk.  Our problem is, how will we know legitimate Paypal emails from the junk ones?  We don’t want to open up any of our BC Paid Subscriber data to spammers.  Incidentally, we receive no spam from anyone purporting to be the company who does our credit card processing.  Visit our BC Contributions Page and BC Sign-Up Page for other ways to support BC, that don’t involve credit cards. –NL)

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October 12, 2006
Issue 201

is published every Thursday.

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