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Est. April 5, 2002
Nov 6, 2020 - Issue 840
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This page can be shared Nov 6, 2020 - Issue 840: America Didn't Repudiate Donald Trump, Instead They Stood-by Their Madman - Sharp n' Blunt By Desi Cortez, BC Columnist

Over 70 million Americans voted for Trump, roughly half the voting population. Trump should have lost in an landslide; that he didn’t speaks volumes, yes volumes, about that old 1969 World Book Encyclopedia set, about what must be a barely “civilized” nation.

70 million... plus, well, we small, simple-minded Democrats were wrong, America didn’t soundly repudiate a tyrannical racist, sexist and elitist Donald Trump. Instead they, actually millions and millions and millions of our fellow citizens stood up, by and with their sinister madman!

Here’s what’s undeniable just days after election day: this country, the United States of America is not “united” in any sense nor form of the word, by contrast, we’re a deeply divided nation, split along race, culture, ethnicity, skin-color... as well as gender, class and religion.

Noted wordsmith, Charles Blow of The New York Times recently tweeted,We are surrounded by racists.”

This long-touted changing of the color-guard in America, the time when Euro-Americans would no longer be the numerical majority with the political power to back it - this transference of power process is going to be much more complicated than people of color thought. There was this simplistic and idealistic “dream” color-blind Coco-Puff Black folks and White liberal Camp-fire Girl Scouts had - this naive notion that those who have ruthlessly ruled the land since the beginnings of this country, would repudiate Trump and just hand over and give away their stranglehold on power. Can you believe it? Just hand power to a segment of American society which they aren’t even sure is civilized, let alone 100% human.

This Flower Child wish that Mainstream USA, Trump’s “base” would renounce and turn their backs on Trump was a childish dream which I attribute to mainstream Black American’s lack of knowledge - Black folks, particularly men, many of whom sadly know more about the NBA and NFL than they do the GOP and USA History... We engage in a lot of superficial ill-informed wishful thinking.

Forgive me, but yeah I’m disappointed and disgusted with my highly lacking brothers, my peers who just aren’t intellectually curious, i.e., woke enough to my liking - we are Black America’s failing. We are the flaw, the weakness and handicap - and, it isn’t about leading, we just need to show up and be counted, cast an intelligent, informed vote. Can we do that? Is it possible Latino men will one day accept the fact - “you ain’t white!” The rank n’ file across Trump’s America doesn’t see you as their ‘kin-folk” - unless you rip your brother’s child from their mother’s breast and throw the baby in a cage... yeah, you’ve all been “useful idiots.”

I believe far too many of my people, Black folks, are historically and still currently isolated and insulated from those who make up Trump’s America - we don’t know them, we don’t understand how apparently Black people’s humanity can still be, in 2020 questioned and denied. We are mystified as to how our role in constructing this empire can be ignored. We are distressed by the dismissal of our participation in defending this country on the bloody fields of battle, and yet still we are not wanted nor welcomed by so much of White America, ”Why” and “how” can Trump’s base coldly and callously ignore, if not trivialize our contribution of blood, sweat and tears... well they can!

You may not dig this, but dig this: this transferring of power is going to be a generational thing; it’s going to take awhile.

The mosaic of racially diverse folks on the political Left continues tragically to underestimate the contempt, the anger and the hostility embedded and interwoven in the very fabric of Trump’s America. Hear me now: We continue not to understand that Trump better understands his people, his base, than Black journalists and politicians on MSNBC do. Trump understands he has a massive base, and his strategy was to get them and keep them enraged and paranoid. Trump understands the feelings and emotions of his base, and they don’t want Black neighbors, co-workers, bosses or in-laws.

Cultural diversity,” “equality” and “racial inclusion” are for Trump’s troops “fighting” words!

Trump better understood his base would not reject him for dismissing a global pandemic and reducing it to “no big deal.” He simply painted and tainted it as “just the flu,” and belittled people for being wimps, nerds, sissies, punks and mommas boys - for giving in and lying down for a Cold.

I know it’s hard for you Moorehouse men and Spelman women to get this - Trump’s USA isn’t repulsed by his highly amplified personification of 1955 White male masculinity, misogyny and elitism and bigotry; instead, they love it.

He is them, they are him...

Trump better understood White women, a demographic which roughly half of whom ignored Trump’s misogynistic attitudes and actions, his well documented disrespect and contempt for women, and they voted for a multiple accused molester and rapist - it didn’t matter. Trump better understood that mainstream USA had rather buddy-up to Putin than to Obama. The Democratic Party is playing by a set of norms and rules which Trump’s base could care less about. Trump’s people placed “race” above all else, and the question is “does Black America, does the “Left” understand that - for our sake I hope we do.

In 2015 I knew Trump was articulating the real “gut-feelings” of mainstream White America, while so, so... so many thought he was merely an apparition, a clown only White trailer park residents would be attracted-to... well 70 million plus made a deal with the Orange devil. They were wrong in 2016, and wrong again in 2020.

I can only hope and pray this tight election season proves to be Black America’s “2:30 AM wake-your-behind-up call” and we won’t be shocked or surprised by the nation-wide anti-diversity mindset which has a stranglehold on Trump’s America.

Daylight Savings Time” returned on November 1st, however this weekend we may find ourselves, “America” as whole, perhaps even the entire world setting our clocks back, back... back, roughly 70 years or so when we go to sleep, because Trump’s “Big Payback” Tour is poised to kick-off: Imprison the Clintons and Obamas, silence MSNBC and CNN, Unleash the militias - none of those dastardly deeds are deniable considering who and what Trump is.

If you think, being this close to retaining the Oval Office, this diabolical court jester is going to give in, concede, surrender or relinquish Presidential power, you’re cra-cra.

Hang-on baby! Columnist, Desi Cortez, who also writes for &, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213. At age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the foot of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into an officer n' gentleman, a "man's man." Produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my "little" mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Wordsmith behind America's Ten Months Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even Trump Can't "Make America White Again." A New, More Inclusive, Diverse 21st Century America - Love It . . . Or Get The Hell Out!Contact Mr. Cortez and BC.
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