


As we breathe, the Supreme Court’s contrived and concocted conservative bloc sits unquestionably sympathetic to a Colorado graphic designer who argues a state law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation violates her “free speech” rights by forcing her to express a message that contradicts her closely held religious beliefs. The rigged court will back her, and that will start the march back to the USA of circa 1939.

See, I’ve been telling you, America’s xenophobic 4th Reich will not concede to tolerance, logic, or decency. What they desire is absolute domination and control of all society. “Minority Rule” with an iron fist.

This is merely the first step.

Here’s the real question, and I’m talkin’ Tina Marie Square Biznesses. What do White folks really want? What’s their long game? To punish us for being so uppity as to dare to be equally human as they? To “break” us? To send us back to Africa? To exterminate us?

Hear me now, what they want is to return to the good old days of yesteryear… at least the 1950s Jim Crow. Separate and unequal everything. Believe it or not, some, which translates into millions and millions, have confessed to pollsters they’d like us back in chains, the country was better off, we were better off as slaves…

The rank-and-file Republican seeks to force the mainstream USA to see the world and life as they do. We must return to the good ol’ days when we all knew our assigned place on the stage of life. Gay folks are to stay in the closet. Blacks. Asians and Mexicans - we remain as secondary support, “the help.” We live across the train tracks, across the river, over in Jew-Town or Niggerville. Seldom seen and hardly ever heard. Invisible.

Remember, recall, think back… Republican Senator Rand Paul and his dad have been advocating an end to the Civil Rights Act for decades. They believe, as do millions upon millions of WASP voters, that private business, any private enterprise, can serve and not serve whom they please. They can bar certain people from their establishment and the marketplace will either punish or reward them.

White man, please!!!

I believe the rigged Supreme Court will give White America what they deeply yearn for. I fear that the Supreme Court is poised to pave the way for the re-institution of legalized segregation.

No Mexicans No Blacks No Asians No Jews No Queers… No Dogs!

If some (millions upon millions) White folks have their way, signs which brandish these words will pop up all across this racially divided and polarized empire, for this is the America they wish to live in.

It’s clear a significant chunk of the WASP population simply does not want to “mix and mingle” with what they pompously believe are the unwashed masses. That desire is evident with everything from national, coast-to-coast “White flight,” to a case like this one, where they don’t want to mix with “Fags and Dikes.” Next, it will be serving people of color or White folks they deem as Hipsters/Liberals, Nigger Lovers… After that, who knows?

You don’t want to ever see which one of your White friends and coworkers would demand your elderly mother give up her seat on the bus for them after a long workday, trust me you don’t want to know. It’ll hurt your CoCo-Puff feelings.

They would want to re-segregate the NFL, NBA and MLB.

We childishly mistake being “hospitable” for wanting you to come over and have dinner, perhaps use the bathroom, #2. As my Nana said about White folks, “generally speaking now,” they may be friendly, but that don’t make them your friend!

Blacks and Mexicans would be barred from Disneyland, hotels, airplanes, shopping malls, grocery stores, and hospitals. There’s no question about it when it comes to schools, neighborhoods, and churches - they don’t want to rub elbows with what millions of them believe is “riff-raff.” I know it’s hard, but try to accept that reality.

We’re not living in a Disney family movie. America is a Quentin Tarantino gangster flick! Wake up!

Where and when will White folk’s long-held, surely well-earned, and justifiable paranoia, their unfounded and fabricated fears, their misplaced arrogance, and their phony ignorance of history and reality cease to be?

How far must the globe go to pacify and placate historical butt-holes who simply can’t seem to, don’t even seek to play nicely, and live in peace with the world’s population?

Do they want us to step off the sidewalk, keep our eyes down, never ever make eye contact, and speak only when spoken to? Don’t laugh, don’t roll your eyes, this is how trifling this social arrangement they seek is. This is the preferred social climate they demanded and would love to return to.

I believe there are millions who would want to see legalized “red-lining” return to the housing market. I’d wager there are millions who believe Blacks ought not be able to press charges or testify against White folks in a court of law.

I bet there are millions of White folks who don’t want Blacks and other minorities in the cruise ship pool or hot tub. Hell, they don’t want your Black behind on the boat! They don’t want to go to the movies with Blacks or sip coffee at Starbucks with you.

As I’ve said, we’d be restricted to the last 5 rows of the intercontinental jet plane.

Clearly, today’s GOP speaks for the everyday, All-American Redneck/Good old boy/Hillbilly/WASP aristocrats base, which is tens of millions strong, I’ll leave it at that. Strong enough that Marjorie Taylor Greene may well be speaker of the House.

Here’s what mystifies and disgusts me. It’s Black folks who will dismiss or marginalize the threat of this overtly, blatant racist mentality returning to America. Uncle Herschel, Georgia’s resident “Tom” tried to rationalize and minimize being called a “coon” - this is the type of “tomming” White folks would demand of their Negroes if we wanted any crumbs off their table.

Unbelievable, isn’t it?

No, it’s US History, and, as we all know - history may not repeat itself, but it sure as hell rhymes.

BlackCommentator.com Columnist, Desi Cortez, who also writes for BlackAthlete.com & NegusWhoRead.com, was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa 1961, at the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic individuals, Raised in South-Central LA, the 213. At age 14 transplanted to the base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-Hi. Sat at the foot of scholars for many, many moons, emerging with a desire and direction… if not a sheep-skin. Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places, done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub into an officer n' gentleman, a "man's man." Produced a beautiful baby-girl with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired my "little" mind on the airwaves and wrote some stuff along the way. Wordsmith behind America's Ten Months Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even Trump Can't "Make America White Again." A New, More Inclusive, Diverse 21st Century America - Love It . . . Or Get The Hell Out!. Contact Mr. Cortez and BC.

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