


I’ve spent most of my adult life talking and writing about America and its “problem.” i.e., Black people.

Yes, there’s little debate about it, WEB DuBois was correct when he said “race” would be the combustible issue of the 20th century, so much so, now, two decades and one Black President into the 21st century it remains unquestionably the most pressing issue confronting this polarized empire.

Virtually all my life I was told, by folks from all walks of life, I was wrong. From the time I was a teenager in the late 1970s, White folks were claiming  they were “colorblind” and did not see nor consider race - we were all just people.

How both quaint and hypocritical.

By the time I was in college in the early 1980s, Black folks were telling me race didn’t matter anymore, we’d overcome. I was an angry militant with no civil war to fight.

How delusional were we? In hindsight, we were undeniably unaware of how much of mainstream White America felt about us. Slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow, Separate and unequal everything, nationwide White flight, and still our naive behinds thought they wanted us for neighbors, bosses, and in-laws.

How wrong and clearly ignorant are we of our surroundings? The miseducation, under-education, and brainwashing of Black folks was and remains prevalent and successful. It’s as if some of us had a lobotomy at birth!

By the millennium, you could see the nation’s reckless expansion was driven by “White Flight.” White America is perpetually always in motion, always moving as far away from people of color as they can. And if they chose to remain in the urban sections, they create fortress communities, where they have their own shopping and dining options, separate schools, and private parks and pools. The sheer price of living there ensures minimizing the presence of Black and Brown people.

Segregation is imposed and maintained by economics. And the economics are predictable, based on low-paying jobs, not well-paying careers. Academic underachievement ensures under-employment, dah! It is all but guaranteed by an inferior, subpar preschool through 12th-grade education.

And this factory which mass produces is not ready for the world of Black people and is by strategic and deliberate design. It’s not chance, coincidence or happenstance.

Obama’s election, instead of serving as a step forward toward a civilized and enlightened America, ignited a White backlash that has culminated in King Trump’s reign of looting, pillaging, and tyranny: The Great White Dope has robbed US History of some of its most significant human rights advancements, via the stolen and rigged Supreme Court he pulled out of his…. His five fascists are hellbent on dragging this nation back to the good ole glory days of separate and unequal everything. The Supreme Court was intentionally, wittingly, and enthusiastically handcrafted to manufacture these critical Neo-Confederate victories t would counter the voting booth victories that produced FDR’s New Deal, LBJ’s Great Society, and gave a hint of life to MLK’s dream.

Can’t bake you a cake today, can’t let you stay in my hotel, eat at my cafe, shop in my store tomorrow watch, wait for n’ see.

I submit what we are witnessing is a slow-moving “Coup,” where elements of the government, from all levels and categories, are working “closely together” to somehow, someway steal power back so they can ram apartheid, “White minority-rule” down the throats of 60%-65% of the nation’s population.

And since over the last few hundred years, they have yet to display a moral conscience to the world, they don’t care if they have to lie, cheat, steal, or kill to attain their White Nationalist empire.

Today it’s the rigged courts, tomorrow it’ll be... what?

From the local dogcatcher position to the Governor’s Mansion to the White House, and all the stops between, “Moms for Liberty,” “Proud Boys,” and “Minuet Men” are waging a guerilla warfare-type assault on the mechanism of policies and governance, determined to “take back” their empire, and make it “Klan” sheet white again.

They will regain power, and then halt Brown, Yellow, and Black immigrants from coming. Then, after cutting off the flow, actually, simultaneously, they’ll put the rest of us back, back…, back in our pre-civil rights places.

We’re witnessing a fabricated, stacked, and stolen Supreme Court, the highest court in all the land, in a cold and calculated manner, reverse time and reverse history.

Look, angry, paranoid White men, who are the backbone of Trump’s cult and roughly maybe 35% of the overall population, their “power and control” is, what, 90%? From the financial systems to the military, to the local police - Mr. Charlie and Karen hold the control stick.

Whether we want to admit it or not - this is still “White America,” not “Mosaic America.” And I’d say, if left up to WASP folks, it never ever will be.

Yet, we are sitting here, watching “The Game” and the “Housewives of Hood-opolis,” while Trump, DeSantis, and all the good ol’ boys who’re woven into society, Secret Service agents, FBI, Navy, police, bankers, doctors, politicians - more than you and I want to believe - are plotting “how to” put us back in our assigned “1619” places.

Our destiny, and tragically, that of our children is in the hands of folks who struggle with the notion that Black folk are equal and deserve decency and respect - US History 101 illustrates their doubt in stunning digital HD black and white.

That’s my humble observation.

Now, my bold suggestion is this: “Conservative/Confederate” minded White folks aren’t going to “wake up.” Instead, they’re going to get worse. This nation is going to regress into civil/race war. I’m advising my children, suggesting to family and friends - to get the hell out before this decadent empire implodes. America is 12 months pregnant, with demonic triplets, and ready to blow baby, blow!

And interestingly, for the first time ever, it’s resonating, striking a chord, making sense. Why? Because one race cannot educate, shame, or force another race of people to change their evil ways. You cannot force people to like, love, respect, or live next door to you if they do not want to.

I’m going to circle the block and blast that on again, both barrels: Why? Because one race cannot educate, shame or force another race of people to change their evil ways. You cannot force people to like, love, respect, or live next door to you if they do not want to.

What part of that do my Black people not get?

Most White Americans don’t yearn for racial or cultural integration, diversity, or unity, they just don’t. It carries no inherent value to them. With that noted, they have crafted a Supreme Court to manufacture that primitive reality.

The question is, when do we as Black folk put down the Spades and Biz-Wiz cards, come over to the big table with the world’s adults, armed with more than domino books, more insight beyond the only “book” we’ve read since high school, Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit edition, and come up with a plan, an “exit strategy?”

I know, the vast majority of Black America will never leave this unwelcoming land, the same way they wouldn’t run away from the cotton plantation. Ask Harriet Tubman about that, ask Malcolm about the “House and Field Negroes” but I’d expect, there’s a quarter of us, DuBois and Booker T’s disciples, who are astute enough to see beyond the trees and are willing to free our asses for a better life… somewhere else.


Yeah, sure!


Anyplace else” is going to soon be better than “Anywhere” USA.

Reparations, for me? Well, I’ll take a plane ticket and 1.5 million greenbacks, and we’ll call it even-steven baby, I’m out, see you at the beach, under the palm trees.

BlackCommentator.com Columnist, Desi

Cortez, who also writes for

BlackAthlete.com & NegusWhoRead.com,

was hatched in the heart of Dixie, circa

1961, at the dawning of the age of

Aquarius, the by-product of four dynamic

individuals, Raised in South-Central LA,

the 213. At age 14 transplanted to the

base of the Rockies, Denver. Still a Mile-

Hi. Sat at the foot of scholars for many,

many moons, emerging with a desire and

direction… if not a sheep-skin.

Meandered thru life; gone a-lot places,

done a-lot of things, raised a man-cub

into an officer n' gentleman, a "man's

man." Produced a beautiful baby-girl

with my lover/woman/soul-mate… aired

my "little" mind on the airwaves and

wrote some stuff along the way.

Wordsmith behind America's Ten Months

Pregnant . . . Ready To Blow!: Even

Trump Can't "Make America White

Again." A New, More Inclusive, Diverse

21st Century America - Love It . . . Or

Get The Hell Out!. Contact Mr. Cortez

and BC.

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